Resolving a 150 year old argument: why do male and female butterflies differ in colour?

A new paper pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters provides a deep­er look at the evol­u­tion­ary his­tory of the col­ors of but­ter­flies. Here, lead author Wouter van der Bijl tells us more.

The females and males of spe­cies often look and act dif­fer­ent from each oth­er. These dif­fer­ences are called sexu­al dimorph­ism, and when the sexes dif­fer in col­or we call them dichro­mat­ic. Dichro­mat­ism in anim­als has long fas­cin­ated nat­ur­al­ists and eco­lo­gists alike, and Charles Dar­win spend con­sid­er­able time try­ing to under­stand how and why it evolves. Sex dif­fer­ences such as the strik­ing dichro­mat­ism in but­ter­flies and birds provided a major chal­lenge for Darwin’s earli­er work on nat­ur­al selec­tion, and promp­ted him to extend his evol­u­tion­ary the­ory with the force of sexu­al selec­tion. This addi­tion argued that females often prefer to mate with more con­spicu­ous males caus­ing the col­or of males to evolve away from females.

How­ever, the con­tem­por­ary co-dis­cover­er of nat­ur­al selec­tion, Alfred Rus­sel Wal­lace, dis­agreed. In his book “Dar­win­ism”, Wal­lace argued that dichro­mat­ism can be the res­ult of nat­ur­al selec­tion alone, without the need to invoke sexu­al selec­tion. Accord­ing to Wal­lace, females are often more at risk of pred­a­tion, as they spend more time brood­ing or car­ry­ing heavy eggs. Nat­ur­al selec­tion should there­fore cause females to become more cryptic, and thus their col­or should evolve away from con­spicu­ous males.

Wal­lace and Dar­win dis­cussed these ideas with expli­cit examples in mind. In par­tic­u­lar, dichro­mat­ic but­ter­flies and birds fueled their debate about the evol­u­tion­ary ori­gins of dichro­mat­ism. How­ever, only recently have their com­pet­ing ideas been put to form­al test­ing in a range of stud­ies invest­ig­at­ing col­or evol­u­tion in birds. Sur­pris­ingly, even though sexu­al selec­tion is now a widely accep­ted part of evol­u­tion­ary the­ory, dichro­mat­ism in birds com­monly fol­lows the Wal­lacean mod­el. How­ever, out­side of a hand­ful of but­ter­fly spe­cies, we still did not know the rel­at­ive import­ance of these two mod­els in for but­ter­flies in general.

Chris Wheat thought that this ques­tion could be answered using a data­set of scanned pic­tures of all European but­ter­flies from the field guide by Tol­man & Lew­ing­ton. Dirk Zeuss from the Uni­ver­sity of Mar­burg had pre­vi­ously used these draw­ings to ana­lyze the rela­tion­ship between cli­mate tem­per­at­ure and the light­ness of insect body col­or­a­tion. Real­iz­ing that by com­bin­ing this data with a state-of-the-art phylo­geny from the group of Nik­las Wahl­berg at Lund Uni­ver­sity, Wheat thought the stage could be set for a detailed look at the evol­u­tion­ary his­tory of European but­ter­fly col­ors, and the ori­gins of dichromatism.

Dorsal wing col­or by sex of European but­ter­flies. (a) depicts the phylo­gen­et­ic rela­tion­ships between spe­cies. (b) & (h) illus­trate the col­or pro­files of each sex, respect­ively, for each spe­cies as the frac­tion of pixels in each of 50 col­or clusters. © & (g) give the female and male col­or centroids (aver­age col­or). (e) plots the dis­tance between the female and male col­or centroids, used as the met­ric for dichro­mat­ism. (d) & (f) show exem­plar wings for males and females of the spe­cies that are con­nec­ted by lines to the oth­er pan­els. From top to bot­tom: Ere­bia rhodopen­sisEre­bia phartePseudochaz­ara antheliaHip­par­chia semeleCoen­onympha gly­cerionMel­it­aea diam­inaPoly­go­nia c-albumBol­or­ia eun­o­miaPolyom­matus damonFrey­er­ia tro­chylusGlauc­o­psyche alex­isLycaena hip­pothoeAnthochar­is car­d­am­inesColi­as hyale, and Zeryn­thia poly­x­ena. Photo cred­it: Kalle Tunström.

Chris asked me to join the pro­ject, and dur­ing the sum­mer of 2018 I worked on ana­lyses to con­trast the pre­dic­tions from Wal­lace and Dar­win. I quickly dis­covered that the col­or of males has evolved faster than that of females. This is expec­ted under the Dar­wini­an mod­el, and such a pat­tern is quite often used to argue that dichro­mat­ism is the res­ult of sexu­al selec­tion lead­ing to the diver­gence of males from females. How­ever, we think that such a con­clu­sion is pre­ma­ture as oth­er pro­cesses may gen­er­ate such res­ults. For example, it could be the case that once spe­cies are dichro­mat­ic there is a release of evol­u­tion­ary con­straint (due to sexu­al con­flict), which would then allow male col­or to evolve faster. We there­fore needed to test the hypo­theses much more directly.

Earli­er that year, the group of Pas­cale Raia pub­lished a new meth­od to study the evol­u­tion of traits along a phylo­geny based on ridge regres­sion. This new meth­od made it easy to not only cal­cu­late evol­u­tion­ary rates, but also to estim­ate the dir­ec­tion the trait was chan­ging in. I then real­ized that we could use these evol­u­tion­ary vec­tors to give us a much bet­ter view of what was exactly hap­pen­ing to male and female col­or when dichro­mat­ism evolved. By look­ing at the speed and dir­ec­tion of col­or evol­u­tion at those parts of the phylo­geny where dichro­mat­ism is chan­ging most, we could assess wheth­er changes in males were more import­ant. I found the con­tri­bu­tion of male col­or evol­u­tion to dichro­mat­ism out­weighs the female con­tri­bu­tion around 2:1.

We con­clude that dir­ec­tion­al selec­tion on males is the most com­mon cause of but­ter­fly dichro­mat­ism, and the Dar­wini­an mod­el is much bet­ter sup­por­ted than the Wal­lacean mod­el in European but­ter­flies. This likely means that sexu­al selec­tion is play­ing an import­ant role, although our data did not allow us to test that dir­ectly. We hope that the meth­ods we used here will prove use­ful for the study of dimorph­ism in oth­er taxa and dif­fer­ent traits.

Dr Wouter van der Bijl is a post-doc­tor­al research­er at UBC. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.