Plasticity in sperm sex ratios: the how and “Y” of male-driven sex allocation

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters reveals that when male house mice devel­op in a male-biased envir­on­ment, they go on to pro­duce more Y‑bearing sperm as adults – mak­ing them more likely to pro­duce sons. Here, author Dr Ren­ee Fir­man tells us the story behind her fas­cin­at­ing research.

Research on off­spring sex alloc­a­tion has tra­di­tion­ally focused on the mater­nal influ­ence. In spe­cies in which females are the het­ero­gamet­ic sex, such as birds, moth­ers dic­tate the sex of ovu­lated eggs. In mam­mals, how­ever, it is more of a level play­ing field: the paternal gam­ete determ­ines off­spring sex but the out­come of fer­til­iz­a­tion, and sub­sequently the devel­op­ment of the off­spring, is under mater­nal con­trol. In an evol­u­tion­ary sense, the abil­ity to pro­duce sons or daugh­ters under dif­fer­ent con­di­tions is a sure-fire way to max­im­ize your grand-par­ent­age. There­fore, both females and males have a lot to gain from being able to manip­u­late off­spring sex. An adjust­ment in the pro­duc­tion of X- versus Y‑chromosome bear­ing sperm (CBS) (‘sperm sex ratio’) is one poten­tial mech­an­ism for males.

I first became inter­ested in male-driv­en sex alloc­a­tion in 2014 when Dr Amy Edwards (La Trobe Uni­ver­sity) and Pro­fess­or Elissa Camer­on (Uni­ver­sity of Can­ter­bury) pub­lished an enga­ging review on the top­ic, aptly named “For­got­ten fath­ers: paternal influ­ences on mam­mali­an sex alloc­a­tion”. Around this time I was work­ing with Pro­fess­or Leigh Sim­mons (Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Aus­tralia) on uncov­er­ing how vari­ation in the social envir­on­ment influ­enced male fer­til­ity traits in mice. Spe­cific­ally, we were inter­ested in traits that would give males an advant­age when a female had mated with mul­tiple males and the sperm of those rival males were com­pet­ing to fer­til­ize her eggs (‘sperm com­pet­i­tion’). We exper­i­ment­ally con­trolled the expos­ure that males had to oth­er indi­vidu­als dur­ing devel­op­ment. In one exper­i­ment­al envir­on­ment we exposed males to rivals to cre­ate the per­cep­tion that there was strong male com­pet­i­tion for a female mate. In a second envir­on­ment, males were not exposed to rivals so male com­pet­i­tion was negligible.

Exper­i­ment­al manip­u­la­tions involved expos­ing male mice to high or low per­ceived sexu­al com­pet­i­tion. Image: Ren­ee Firman

Using this design, and vari­ations along the same theme, we found that expos­ure to a com­pet­it­ive envir­on­ment dur­ing sexu­al devel­op­ment res­ults in the pro­duc­tion of more sperm. This res­ult is fas­cin­at­ing in the con­text of sperm com­pet­i­tion the­ory. Much like buy­ing mul­tiple raffle tick­ets to improve the chance of win­ning the prize, we had dis­covered that under com­pet­it­ive social con­di­tions males were able to medi­ate their sperm pro­duc­tion as a means of increas­ing their chance of suc­cess in sperm competition.

It became clear to me that the same exper­i­ment­al design would be use­ful for test­ing wheth­er males used social cues to alloc­ate sex in an adapt­ive way. I dis­cussed this idea with my col­lab­or­at­or, Dr Paco Gar­cia-Gonza­lez (Esta­ción Bio­ló­gica de Don­aña), who had recently co-authored a paper demon­strat­ing that fath­ers where able to influ­ence off­spring sex ratios in white-footed mice. We applied for a small grant, received the fund­ing and a pro­ject was born.

Equipped with a strong rationale and sol­id exper­i­ment­al design for our study, we still faced the chal­lenge of devel­op­ing an effect­ive meth­od for quan­ti­fy­ing sperm sex ratios. Past stud­ies had used dif­fer­ent scor­ing tech­niques in which X- and Y‑CBS present dif­fer­ently (e.g. fluor­es­cent in situ hybrid­isa­tion, sperm morpho­met­rics). For effi­ciency and reli­ab­il­ity, we focused on adapt­ing a molecu­lar qPCR assay that had been used routinely in domest­ic live­stock but was yet to be util­ised in sex alloc­a­tion research. To achieve this, we were lucky enough to recruit the genet­ic expert­ise of molecu­lar eco­lo­gist, Dr Jam­ie Tedes­chi (Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Aus­tralia), as well as MSc stu­dent, Ms Misha Lavoie (Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Australia).

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Sperm sex ratios were quan­ti­fied using a molecu­lar qPCR meth­od adap­ted from tech­niques used in domest­ic live­stock pro­duc­tion. Photo: Michael Werner

Executed superbly by Ms Lavoie, the exper­i­ment went off without a hitch and uncovered very inter­est­ing res­ults. We found that male house mice exposed to a com­pet­it­ive envir­on­ment dur­ing devel­op­ment pro­duced lar­ger pro­por­tions of Y‑CBS com­pared to males sub­jec­ted to a non-com­pet­it­ive envir­on­ment. These find­ings provide com­pel­ling sup­port for the male fer­til­ity hypo­thes­is of paternal sex alloc­a­tion, which pre­dicts that more fer­tile males should pro­duce more sons. Exist­ing evid­ence in sup­port of this hypo­thes­is includes the gen­er­al trend that sub-fer­tile male humans are more likely to pro­duce a daugh­ter than a son.

Our study sug­gests that the sperm sex ratio is a mal­le­able trait, mak­ing it highly feas­ible that an adjust­ment in the sperm sex ratio is indeed an effect­ive way for fath­ers to medi­ate off­spring sex ratios. Our find­ings are rel­ev­ant to the many dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines that are inves­ted in off­spring gender selec­tion, includ­ing human research into the avoid­ance of sex-related genet­ic dis­orders, wild­life con­ser­va­tion and live­stock indus­tries. In the future we plan to explore the role that testoster­one plays in influ­en­cing sperm sex ratios at dif­fer­ent devel­op­ment­al stages.

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Male house mice exposed to more males dur­ing devel­op­ment ten­ded to pro­duce more Y‑bearing sperm at sexu­al matur­ity – mak­ing them more likely to pro­duce sons. Photo: Lub­omir Hlasek


Dr Ren­ee Fir­man is an ARC Future Fel­low at the Centre for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy, Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Aus­tralia. The ori­gin­al paper is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Let­ters.