The role of mobile genetic elements in evolution and development

A new study in Evol­u­tion Let­ters sug­gests that trans­pos­able ele­ments are import­ant for both devel­op­ment­al pro­cesses and evol­u­tion­ary diver­si­fic­a­tion in snakes and liz­ards. Author Dr Nath­alie Fein­er explains her find­ings in our latest blog.

Mobile DNA sequences – trans­pos­able ele­ments or TEs for short – are found in the gen­ome of vir­tu­ally all organ­isms. As their name implies, TEs can cut or copy them­selves from one loc­a­tion in the gen­ome to anoth­er. This can wreak hav­oc as inser­tion of TEs may inter­fere with gene reg­u­la­tion or in fact knock out entire genes. Cells there­fore have mech­an­isms that pre­vent TEs from jump­ing, includ­ing DNA methyl­a­tion and oth­er epi­gen­et­ic tools. Thus, TEs are not roam­ing freely through the gen­ome, but are restric­ted from enter­ing func­tion­ally import­ant parts. Pre­vent­ing TE inva­sion is par­tic­u­larly import­ant when genes are reg­u­lated through spa­tial prox­im­ity to each oth­er. The text­book example of this situ­ation are the Hox genes, which are the key play­ers in embryon­ic devel­op­ment with an ingeni­ous mode of action: Hox genes are arranged in tight clusters and their pos­i­tion in the cluster defines their time and space of expres­sion, and thus their effect on the pat­tern­ing of the early embryo. It is there­fore fit­ting that Hox gene clusters of mam­mals and oth­er well-stud­ied ver­teb­rates have been found to be almost com­pletely free of TEs. My new study reveals that Anolis liz­ards have broken this paradigm. Moreover, the inva­sion of TEs into Hox clusters of Anolis liz­ards can be linked to aber­rant gene expres­sion and increased rates of speciation.

Ever since the dis­cov­ery of TEs, people have spec­u­lated about their evol­u­tion­ary implic­a­tions. One pos­sible con­sequence of high TE activ­ity is struc­tur­al gen­om­ic vari­ation. This may accel­er­ate gen­om­ic incom­pat­ib­il­ity between pop­u­la­tions; effect­ively mak­ing TEs engines of speciation.

Occa­sion­ally, TE inser­tions may also gen­er­ate phen­o­typ­ic nov­elty. As noted above, some genes are reg­u­lated through its prox­im­ity to oth­er genes, which means that inva­sion of TEs can change expres­sion of a num­ber of genes sim­ul­tan­eously. Fur­ther­more, since jump­ing TEs often drag along neigh­bour­ing gen­om­ic regions, they can trans­lo­cate reg­u­lat­ory sequences that cause genes to be expressed in new cell types or at dif­fer­ent stages in development.

While these are good reas­ons to expect TEs to pro­mote evol­u­tion, examples are few and their role often appears idio­syn­crat­ic. An excel­lent group for a more sys­tem­at­ic sur­vey of TE-driv­en diver­si­fic­a­tion are squam­ate rep­tiles, a group that includes liz­ards and snakes. Squam­ate gen­omes do not only appear par­tic­u­larly rich and vari­able in TEs, but their body plan is also highly mal­le­able. Illus­trat­ive examples include the adapt­ive radi­ation of Anolis liz­ards and the repeated evol­u­tion of limb­less and elong­ated bodies.

I decided to study how TEs have shaped the gen­omes, and in par­tic­u­lar, the Hox clusters, of squam­ates. My first sur­prise was to dis­cov­er that liz­ards pos­sess more Hox genes than all oth­er tet­ra­pods since they retained some genes that oth­er lin­eages have ditched. The second sur­prise came when I looked at the TE con­tent of Hox clusters. Des­pite the high TE con­tent in their gen­omes, squam­ates fol­low oth­er ver­teb­rates in gen­er­ally pro­tect­ing their Hox clusters from TEs. But there was one excep­tion: I found massive inva­sion of TEs in the Hox clusters of two out of three Anolis spe­cies, with TE con­tents almost as high as the aver­age place in the genome.

The rela­tion­ship between TE con­tent in Hox clusters rel­at­ive to gen­ome-wide TE con­tent in squam­ate rep­tiles. All liz­ards and snakes restrict TEs from their Hox clusters down to roughly half the gen­ome-wide aver­age. How­ever, two Anolis spe­cies show Hox clusters that are invaded by TEs, while a third Anolis spe­cies (black circle) fol­lows the gen­er­al trend.

Why in Anolis? Anolis liz­ards are fam­ous in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy due to their adapt­ive mor­pho­lo­gic­al radi­ation involving high rates of spe­ci­ation – amass­ing close to 400 spe­cies. In a pre­vi­ous study I showed that Anolis lin­eages with more spe­ci­ation events in the past have more TEs in their Hox clusters. This new gen­ome-wide study reveals that this sig­na­ture of spe­ci­ation is indeed pro­nounced in Hox clusters: only the two Anolis spe­cies from amply spe­ci­at­ing lin­eages exhib­it unusu­ally TE-rich Hox clusters, while a third spe­cies (Anolis auratus, black circle in fig­ure above) fol­lows the norm and keeps its Hox clusters rel­at­ively free from TEs. Look­ing in detail at gen­ome-wide TE land­scapes of these three Anolis spe­cies, I dis­covered that the two spe­cies with TE-rich Hox clusters had a lar­ger pop­u­la­tion of young, more act­ive TEs in their gen­omes. In addi­tion, the inferred tim­ing of peak activ­ity of these TEs broadly coin­cided with past spe­ci­ation events.

These res­ults sug­gest that – dur­ing spe­ci­ation events – TEs are unusu­ally act­ive and pro­lif­er­ate through­out the gen­ome. As a res­ult, even cru­cial regions such as Hox clusters become invaded. Sub­sequently, TEs are removed from Hox clusters by selec­tion until a ‘healthy equi­lib­ri­um’ of TE con­tent rel­at­ive to the gen­ome-wide TE con­tent is reached. This equi­lib­ri­um appears highly con­served as the Hox clusters of almost all liz­ards and snakes con­tain close to 50% of the glob­al TE con­tent. This pro­posed mod­el gen­er­ates a num­ber of pre­dic­tions that can be tested with gen­om­ic data from lin­eages with vari­able rates of speciation.

How then do some Anolis spe­cies cope with hav­ing their Hox clusters invaded by TEs? Clearly, the infla­tion of Hox clusters – increas­ing the dis­tance between genes – does not dis­rupt the pat­tern­ing of the early embryo. Genes loc­ated at one end of the cluster remain expressed early in the head of the embryo, while genes loc­ated at the oth­er end are expressed late in the tail. How­ever, the suc­cess­ive activ­a­tion of Hox genes pre­dicts that dis­rup­tion, if occur­ring at all, should be most pro­nounced towards the end of the Hox clusters. I found that this indeed is the case: one out of four Hox13 genes showed aber­rant expres­sion in the two Anolis spe­cies with TE invaded Hox clusters, but this gene was expressed as ‘nor­mal’ in oth­er Anolis and more dis­tantly related lizards.

Expres­sion pat­terns of the pos­teri­or Hox gene HoxD13 are show­ing vari­ation between spe­cies with low and high TE con­tent in their Hox cluster: while expres­sion in limb buds is con­served, expres­sion in tail tis­sue (black arrows) is miss­ing in spe­cies with high TE con­tent in their Hox clusters (A. sagrei and A. car­olin­en­sis).

My new study reveals that, des­pite being THE text­book example of our con­served devel­op­ment­al toolkit, Hox genes can be tinkered with. What is more, the TE inva­sion of Hox clusters appear to be intim­ately linked to diver­si­fic­a­tion. Now that Anolis liz­ards have shown us that it can hap­pen, per­haps they can also show us why it hap­pens and how.


Dr Nath­alie Fein­er is a Postdoc­tor­al Fel­low in the Depart­ment of Bio­logy at Lund Uni­ver­sity. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.