The architecture of adaptation: a master mutation or a mass of mutations?

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters demon­strates that rap­id adapt­a­tion in nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions of stickle­backs res­ults from both genet­ic link­age (where mul­tiple muta­tions loc­ated close togeth­er in the gen­ome are inher­ited togeth­er) and pleio­tropy (where the same muta­tion leads to changes in many traits). Lead author Dr Soph­ie Archam­beau­lt tells us more.

When organ­isms enter new envir­on­ments, they are faced with many envir­on­ment­al chal­lenges such as changes in tem­per­at­ure, salin­ity, pred­at­ors, prey and para­sites. These envir­on­ment­al changes impose new selec­tion pres­sures on the organ­isms and can drive adapt­ive evol­u­tion. Evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists like myself are inter­ested in under­stand­ing the links between these selec­tion pres­sures, the adapt­ive changes, and the muta­tions that cause these changes. Mak­ing these con­nec­tions is crit­ic­al for under­stand­ing the form­a­tion of the diversity of life present today and for pre­dict­ing the evol­u­tion­ary tra­ject­or­ies of future pop­u­la­tions in response to chan­ging environments.

The growth of gen­om­ic resources over the last two dec­ades has improved our abil­ity to identi­fy the gen­om­ic regions asso­ci­ated with adapt­ive changes (i.e., “map the traits”) in nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions, includ­ing but­ter­flies, petuni­as, deer mice, and stickle­back fish. Efforts to map traits observed in nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions have uncovered a sur­pris­ing recur­ring pat­tern. Some regions of the gen­ome con­trol more traits than expec­ted by chance. In oth­er words, traits often cluster in the gen­ome. This find­ing is con­sist­ent with either of two phe­nom­ena: pleio­tropy or linkage.

The ques­tion we set out to answer: is clus­ter­ing of traits driv­en by pleio­tropy or link­age of caus­at­ive mutations?

Pleio­tropy refers to a single muta­tion in the DNA that affects more than one trait. This is often observed in dis­eases caused by muta­tions in devel­op­ment­al genes because these genes are often crit­ic­al for the cor­rect form­a­tion of mul­tiple tis­sues. Link­age describes a dif­fer­ent situ­ation, where mul­tiple muta­tions each affect­ing a single trait are non­ethe­less inher­ited togeth­er because the muta­tions are phys­ic­ally loc­ated near each oth­er in the gen­ome. Pleio­tropy is thought to con­strain adapt­a­tion because mul­tiple trait changes are unlikely to all be favor­able in the new envir­on­ment and the changes can­not be selec­ted sep­ar­ately by selec­tion. In con­trast, link­age is pre­dicted to be favored dur­ing adapt­a­tion because each trait can be “screened” indi­vidu­ally by selec­tion, and link­age ensures that traits favor­able in the new envir­on­ment are inher­ited togeth­er. This may be par­tic­u­larly import­ant if organ­isms still occa­sion­ally breed with the organ­isms adap­ted to the old envir­on­ment. How­ever, very few instances of clustered traits have been dis­sec­ted to the level of the muta­tion, mean­ing we really don’t know wheth­er link­age or pleio­tropy is more common! 

We there­fore set about to fig­ure out wheth­er link­age or pleio­tropy explains the clus­ter­ing of traits observed in stickle­back fish, an import­ant mod­el spe­cies for study­ing adapt­a­tion in ver­teb­rates. Mar­ine stickle­backs have adap­ted to fresh­wa­ter envir­on­ments thou­sands of times across the North­ern hemi­sphere since the last ice age (~12,000 years ago). This repeated adapt­a­tion to fresh­wa­ter has led to repeated changes in traits such as reduc­tion of bony ele­ments (oper­cula, spines, and plates) and pat­tern­ing of the indi­vidu­al sens­ory organs (neur­omasts) that detect water move­ment. Most of the vari­ation in bony plate num­ber and neur­omast pat­tern­ing is con­trolled by the devel­op­ment­al gene Eda. Nearly all stickle­backs with reduced plate num­bers share a stretch of 16,000 DNA base pairs on chro­mo­some 4. We wanted to find the indi­vidu­al muta­tion (or muta­tions) with­in this gen­om­ic region that con­trols bony plate num­ber and determ­ine wheth­er it also affects neur­omast pat­tern­ing and oth­er traits that have pre­vi­ously mapped to chro­mo­some 4.

Pre­vi­ous work has found that many traits map to chro­mo­some 4 in the stickle­back gen­ome. These include swim­ming, sens­ory, feed­ing and defense traits. Three traits map to a devel­op­ment­al gene on chro­mo­some 4, Eda (yel­low box). These traits are num­ber of bony plates, pat­tern­ing of the mechano­sensory organs (neur­omasts), and the abil­ity of fish to school with a mod­el school of fish!

 The first chal­lenge was find­ing fish that pos­sessed both fresh­wa­ter and mar­ine muta­tions with­in this small gen­om­ic region. We lucked out on find­ing the rare car­ri­ers of mar­ine and fresh­wa­ter alleles in both mar­ine and lake pop­u­la­tions of stickle­backs near our old lab in Seattle (Fig­ures 3 & 4). The second chal­lenge was pack­ing up and mov­ing the lab (includ­ing thou­sands of live fish) to our new home in Switzer­land while madly per­form­ing thou­sands of PCRs before ship­ping all the boxes of frozen DNA! Once the fish and DNA were safely shipped to our new labor­at­ory home in Switzer­land, it was time to gath­er the data. Our final chal­lenge was organ­iz­ing the immense amount of data col­lec­tion – up to 91 dif­fer­ent traits per fish for almost 1500 fish!  For­tu­nately, we assembled a great phen­o­typ­ing team, includ­ing under­gradu­ate stu­dents Luis Bärts­chi and Aurélie Merminod!

Mar­ine fish were caught in a beach seine in Puget Sound in the sum­mer of 2016 with help from the Wash­ing­ton Depart­ment of Fish and Wild­life. Almost 900 fish were trans­por­ted to the lab and indi­vidu­ally gen­o­typed to identi­fy the rare mar­ine car­ri­ers of fresh­wa­ter DNA at Eda. These rare mar­ine fish were then crossed to each oth­er to make 11 sep­ar­ate crosses that differed only in the pres­ence and length of the stretch of fresh­wa­ter DNA. 

Fresh­wa­ter fish were caught from a poly­morph­ic pop­u­la­tion in Lake Wash­ing­ton, Seattle. A female (top) and male (bot­tom) dis­play mat­ing col­or dif­fer­ences. With­in the 16,000 base pair stretch of DNA sur­round­ing the gene Eda, a sub­set of these fish car­ried a mix of known mar­ine and fresh­wa­ter muta­tions. This mix of muta­tions allowed us to com­pare the asso­ci­ation between each muta­tion and each trait to find the muta­tion with the strongest asso­ci­ation. Depic­ted here is the meas­ure­ment of oper­cu­lum shape, which is most strongly asso­ci­ated with a muta­tion near the middle of the region. 

So, is it link­age or pleio­tropy?  We found strong evid­ence that both are at work with­in this small region of the gen­ome. We found that a 1,400 base pair region with­in the first intron of Eda has large, pleio­trop­ic effects on plate num­ber, neur­omast pat­tern­ing and neur­omast num­ber. But we also found that oth­er regions had small effects on oper­cu­lum shape, plate num­ber and neur­omast pat­tern­ing. Togeth­er these find­ings sug­gest that plate num­ber and neur­omast pat­tern­ing is largely con­trolled by a small region of intron 1 (likely pleio­tropy!) but dif­fer­ent nearby muta­tions more broadly explain the clus­ter­ing of traits on chro­mo­some IV (link­age!). We are con­tinu­ing to focus on the 1,400 base pair region – it con­tains 19 can­did­ate muta­tions, which are being func­tion­ally tested for pleio­trop­ic effects on plate num­ber and neur­omast pat­tern­ing in Katie Peichel’s lab in Switzerland. 

Both pleio­tropy and link­age likely explain the clus­ter­ing of the traits sur­round­ing Eda.

What do these res­ults mean for organ­isms adapt­ing to new envir­on­ments? First, muta­tions in or near devel­op­ment­al genes like Eda are likely to affect mul­tiple traits, high­light­ing con­straints on adapt­a­tion via devel­op­ment­al genes. Second, pleio­tropy weak­ens the cor­rel­a­tion between repeated trait evol­u­tion and adap­tion – traits may evolve due to selec­tion for cor­rel­ated traits. For example, if neur­omast pat­tern­ing and plate num­ber are con­trolled by the same muta­tion, we need addi­tion­al inform­a­tion to know which trait is adapt­ive! Sim­il­arly, oth­er muta­tions may be more likely to con­trib­ute to trait evol­u­tion when they are phys­ic­ally linked to genes that play large roles in adapt­a­tion. Finally, link­age of mul­tiple muta­tions does appear to be adapt­ive. In this example, selec­tion has main­tained link­age with­in a 16,000 base pair region, when only 1,400 base pairs are required for the large shifts in plate num­ber and neur­omast pat­tern­ing. Per­haps the link­age of mul­tiple muta­tions con­trolling known and as-of-yet unknown traits helps explain the sur­pris­ing speed with which stickle­back can adapt to fresh­wa­ter. It will be excit­ing to study the adapt­ive pro­cess while it is hap­pen­ing in stickle­backs and oth­er sys­tems to under­stand the gen­er­al pre­val­ence and import­ance of pleio­tropy and link­age dur­ing adaptation. 

Dr Soph­ie Archam­beau­lt is a postdoc­tor­al schol­ar at UC Berke­ley. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Let­ters.