Chemical control of sperm success by female mussels

A fas­cin­at­ing study, pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters, has provided new insight into the subtle ways that females can influ­ence patern­ity. The work was car­ried out on a spe­cies of mus­sel (Mytilus gal­lo­pro­vin­cial­is), which releases its eggs and sperm into the ocean, res­ult­ing in sperm from lots of dif­fer­ent males com­pet­ing for fer­til­isa­tion. The research found that sperm suc­cess didn’t simply depend on which male or sperm was the ‘best’ over­all – instead, it depended on which male was most com­pat­ible with the female who laid the eggs, and this was con­trolled by chem­ic­als from the eggs them­selves. Here, lead author Row­an Lymbery explains how he dis­covered this cryptic female effect, and why it’s import­ant for our under­stand­ing of sexu­al selection.

EL: Your study found that, in mus­sels, chem­ic­als from eggs attract sperm from “pre­ferred males”. What effect do these chem­ic­als actu­ally have on the sperm?

RL: In ‘broad­cast spawn­ers’ like these mus­sels, when sperm are first released they swim in these char­ac­ter­ist­ic cir­cu­lar or hel­ic­al pat­terns. Dur­ing this phase, the sperm sample the water for chem­ic­als released by eggs. Once the sperm detect a chem­ic­al gradi­ent, they have a ‘turn-and-run’ response, which res­ults in them swim­ming in faster and straight­er spir­als toward the source of the chem­ic­als (the eggs). The really inter­est­ing find­ing in these mus­sels is that the strength of this response (i.e. how fast and straight sperm swim up a gradi­ent) var­ies when sperm from dif­fer­ent males are exposed to chemoat­tract­ants from eggs of dif­fer­ent females.

Char­ac­ter­ist­ic cir­cu­lar or hel­ic­al swim­ming pat­tern of mus­sel sperm. Video cour­tesy of Row­an Lymbery.

EL: How many sperm (and from how many dif­fer­ent males) are eggs likely to encounter in their nat­ur­al environment?

RL: It’s hard to say for cer­tain, but these mus­sels form huge aggreg­a­tions (thou­sands of indi­vidu­als), and have mass spawn­ing events dur­ing the repro­duct­ive sea­son where many males and many females release gam­etes at the same time. Dur­ing the peak spawn­ing sea­son, we can eas­ily col­lect sperm from males at con­cen­tra­tions upwards of 100 mil­lion sperm per mil­li­litre. So you can ima­gine that in mass spawn­ing events the loc­al con­cen­tra­tions of sperm from many males will be extremely high!

EL: Why do some females prefer dif­fer­ent males to oth­ers? Surely the most attract­ive or high qual­ity male should be pre­ferred by all females?

RL: That form of sperm choice (or mate choice) by females cer­tainly does occur, where females prefer intrins­ic­ally ‘bet­ter’ males. How­ever, off­spring fit­ness is also affected by the par­tic­u­lar com­bin­a­tions of genes they receive from the moth­er and the fath­er (non-addit­ive genet­ic effects). There’s quite a bit of evid­ence in broad­cast spawn­ers that off­spring viab­il­ity often var­ies across dif­fer­ent male-female crosses. There­fore, there could be genet­ic bene­fits to females that are able to select sperm from more ‘com­pat­ible’ males. An example of when com­pat­ib­il­ity effects might occur is inbreed­ing, where there are often dele­ter­i­ous effects of mat­ing with rel­at­ives on off­spring fit­ness. The pat­terns of sperm pref­er­ences that we found in our study seem to par­tially reflect inbreed­ing avoid­ance; sperm from males that were less genet­ic­ally related to the focal female had high­er com­pet­it­ive success.

EL: Do you have any idea what these egg chem­ic­als are? Are they are made by the female, or by the egg itself?

RL: The chem­ic­als are released by the eggs them­selves after they have been spawned, but in these mus­sels we don’t know exactly what they are. A few egg chemoat­tract­ant molecules have been iden­ti­fied in oth­er broad­cast spawn­ers such as sea urchins (pep­tide molecules) and aba­lone (trypto­phan). How­ever, we sus­pect that the chemoat­tract­ants are more com­plex than simply a single attract­ant molecule, giv­en the very fine-scale dif­fer­ences in their effect upon sperm from dif­fer­ent males. It could be that eggs release a whole range of chem­ic­als that effect sig­nalling path­ways in the sperm in dif­fer­ent ways.

EL: You stained sperm with a fluor­es­cent dye to track which male had fer­til­ised the eggs of each female. How does that work?

RL: Mus­sels (and sev­er­al oth­er bivalves) are fas­cin­at­ing in that embry­os inher­it paternal mito­chon­dria from sperm, which as far as we know doesn’t hap­pen in any oth­er anim­als (most of us get mito­chon­dria from our moth­ers alone). If you apply a fluor­es­cent mito­chon­dri­al dye to mus­sel sperm, and allow them to fer­til­ise eggs, the sperm mito­chon­dria become vis­ible under a fluor­es­cent micro­scope about 10 minutes after fer­til­isa­tion. In our exper­i­ments, we label the mito­chon­dria of a focal male’s sperm, then allow them to com­pete with unla­belled sperm from a rival male. Then we can meas­ure the focal male’s com­pet­it­ive suc­cess by count­ing eggs with dyed mitochondria.

Mus­sel sperm labelled with the fluor­es­cent dye Mito­Track­er Green FM, viewed under a fluor­es­cence micro­scope. Photo cour­tesy of Row­an Lymbery.

In this study, we labelled sperm from a focal male, then allowed them to swim in a gradi­ent of chemoat­tract­ant (from the focal female’s eggs) along with unla­belled sperm from a stand­ard rival male. Then, we sampled sperm from the centre of the chemoat­tract­ant gradi­ent, and used them for in vitro fer­til­isa­tions with eggs from a (sep­ar­ate) stand­ard female. This way, the only vari­ation in female effects on sperm com­pet­it­ive suc­cess was through vari­ation in the attract­ive effects of egg chem­ic­als from dif­fer­ent focal females.

EL: Is this phe­nomen­on likely to be exclus­ive to these mus­sels, or could females of oth­er spe­cies be using a sim­il­ar mech­an­ism to secretly dis­crim­in­ate between males?

RL: Chemoat­trac­tion of sperm occurs across a whole range of spe­cies. It’s best known from broad­cast spawn­ing mar­ine inver­teb­rates, but it has been described in ver­teb­rates as well, such as frogs, mice, rab­bits, horses and even humans. Wheth­er dif­fer­en­tial attrac­tion of sperm can affect intraspe­cif­ic sperm com­pet­i­tion has not yet been invest­ig­ated in these oth­er spe­cies, but it’s cer­tainly plaus­ible that females of many spe­cies might employ such mech­an­isms. A sim­il­ar example of a female mech­an­ism of influ­en­cing sperm motil­ity is the ovari­an flu­id of many fish spe­cies. This flu­id can be spawned with eggs (for extern­al fer­til­isers) or retained in the female repro­duct­ive tract (for intern­al fer­til­isers). In both cases, ovari­an flu­id can have dif­fer­ent effects of swim­ming velo­city of sperm from dif­fer­ent males, and allow females to select­ively influ­ence sperm com­pet­i­tion. So it seems likely that female mech­an­isms of influ­en­cing sperm beha­viour might be wide­spread forms of ‘cryptic’ choice among com­pet­ing sperm.

EL: With such crafty ways of influ­en­cing sperm suc­cess, should we con­clude that females are ulti­mately in con­trol of fer­til­isa­tion success?

RL: There is cer­tainly a con­sid­er­able body of evid­ence now that females of many spe­cies can exer­cise a level of con­trol over fer­til­isa­tion suc­cess. Females have a lot to gain from being able to choose among sperm from com­pet­ing males, par­tic­u­larly in sys­tems where they have a lim­ited abil­ity to choose among males before mat­ing. As we men­tioned earli­er, by exer­cising con­trol over com­pet­it­ive fer­til­isa­tions, females can increase off­spring fit­ness through genet­ic qual­ity or com­pat­ib­il­ity effects. How­ever, males would clearly prefer that their sperm win in com­pet­i­tion every time. This can lead to very inter­est­ing dynam­ics in many sys­tems of adapt­a­tions for con­trolling com­pet­it­ive fer­til­isa­tion out­comes in both males and females.

You can learn more about this research by read­ing the ori­gin­al pub­lished study, free to down­load from Evol­u­tion Let­ters. Row­an Lymbery is a PhD stu­dent at the Centre for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy, Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Australia.

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