Thinking about antibiotic resistance from a new angle: the effect of dosage

By Megan Widdows

Anti­bi­ot­ics are drugs that are used to treat bac­teri­al infec­tions. Their dis­cov­ery and devel­op­ment in the 20thcen­tury led to huge improve­ments in stand­ards of liv­ing, health­care and mor­tal­ity from infec­tion across the globe. 

Before the dis­cov­ery of anti­bi­ot­ics, our aver­age life expect­ancy was just 47 years. The world was rife with infec­tious bac­teri­al dis­eases such as small­pox, chol­era, syph­il­is, tuber­cu­los­is and the plague and get­ting infec­ted meant devel­op­ing severe symp­toms, with a high chance of dying. 

This began to change with the dis­cov­ery of peni­cil­lin, a key anti­bi­ot­ic, by Sir Alex­an­der Flem­ing in 1928. It would take anoth­er 14 years for peni­cil­lin to be pur­i­fied and pro­duced on large enough scales to be used clin­ic­ally, with its use ori­gin­ally restric­ted to the treat­ment of Allied sol­diers in World War Two. Some his­tor­i­ans argue that this likely con­trib­uted to their ulti­mate vic­tory in 1945, allow­ing sol­diers to recov­er from once deadly infec­tions to fight anoth­er day. 

Fol­low­ing the war, anti­bi­ot­ics soon became a widely avail­able treat­ment, mark­ing the start of the anti­bi­ot­ic era. Dur­ing this time, sci­ent­ists also dis­covered lots of oth­er new anti­bi­ot­ics which helped to fur­ther revolu­tion­ise the treat­ment of infec­tious dis­eases world­wide. Unsur­pris­ingly, this time saw major changes in the causes of death. In the US, for example, the lead­ing cause of death switched from infec­tious dis­eases to non-com­mu­nic­able dis­eases such as can­cer and car­di­ovas­cu­lar dis­ease whilst life expect­ancy jumped to 79 years. 

Addi­tion­ally, the impact of anti­bi­ot­ics was not lim­ited to health­care. They were, and still are, used widely in veter­in­ary care and farm­ing, not only to pre­serve the lives of live­stock but also in soil man­age­ment and crop pro­duc­tion. This has led to increases in yields, and reduced costs for farm­ers as few­er anim­als are lost to infec­tious diseases. 

How­ever, these improve­ments are threatened by the emer­gence of anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance, which is the abil­ity of bac­teria to res­ist the effect of an anti­bi­ot­ic that they are usu­ally sens­it­ive to. 

In nature, some bac­teria are innately more res­ist­ant to anti­bi­ot­ics than oth­ers, so when anti­bi­ot­ics are used, these bac­teria will sur­vive whilst non-res­ist­ant spe­cies are wiped out. The sur­viv­ors rep­lic­ate and soon become the dom­in­ant spe­cies. Addi­tion­ally, bac­teria rep­lic­ate, or repro­duce, at extremely fast rates, which means muta­tionsare very com­mon. Muta­tions are errors made dur­ing the DNA rep­lic­a­tion pro­cess, the res­ult being an altered DNA sequence in the off­spring. Some­times these muta­tions cause a bac­teri­um to become more res­ist­ant to the effect of an anti­bi­ot­ic, so it can sur­vive treat­ment and con­tin­ue to rep­lic­ate. Res­ist­ance then becomes pre­val­ent across the species. 

The prob­lem of res­ist­ance is exacer­bated by the inap­pro­pri­ate use of anti­bi­ot­ics. Examples of inap­pro­pri­ate use are over-pre­scrib­ing, espe­cially for vir­al infec­tions for which they are not effect­ive; patients not tak­ing the full course of anti­bi­ot­ics, giv­ing more res­ist­ant bac­teria a great­er chance of sur­viv­al; and their over­use in live­stock and fish farm­ing. Using anti­bi­ot­ics at sub-optim­al doses is also thought to con­trib­ute to the devel­op­ment of resistance. 

A lot of research has been devoted to study­ing the devel­op­ment and mech­an­isms of anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance in a bid to find a solu­tion and pre­serve the use­ful­ness of anti­bi­ot­ics. How­ever, research has rarely con­sidered the impact that dif­fer­ent anti­bi­ot­ic doses can have on the devel­op­ment of res­ist­ance. It is import­ant to think about this when study­ing anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance because anti­bi­ot­ics are used in vary­ing con­cen­tra­tions, or doses, depend­ing on the nature of the infec­tion and who/what is being treated. Even when giv­en the same dose, anti­bi­ot­ics are absorbed, pro­cessed and elim­in­ated in dif­fer­ent ways with­in the body of a treated anim­al or human, lead­ing to a huge vari­ation in doses. Some com­pon­ents of anti­bi­ot­ics can even dif­fuse over long dis­tances, res­ult­ing in con­tam­in­a­tion of soils, water and oth­er nat­ur­al ele­ments. This means there is an extremely wide spec­trum of anti­bi­ot­ic doses with­in pop­u­la­tions and our envir­on­ment. But how does this effect the evol­u­tion of resistance?

We know that dif­fer­ent envir­on­ment­al con­di­tions lend them­selves to dis­tinct adapt­a­tions, where organ­isms evolve traits that make them bet­ter suited to their envir­on­ment. Dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tions of anti­bi­ot­ics pro­duce dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments, which could mean bac­teria evolve in dif­fer­ent ways at dif­fer­ent doses. 

Sci­ent­ists from the Uni­ver­sity of Mont­pel­li­er in France set out to dis­cov­er what effect dif­fer­ent anti­bi­ot­ic doses may have on the evol­u­tion of res­ist­ance in bac­teria. They found that, at all doses, the bac­teria quickly adap­ted to become res­ist­ant. The high­er the dose was, the faster this res­ist­ance evolved. This makes sense because at high­er doses, there is a stronger selec­tion pres­sure for res­ist­ant bac­teria – bac­teria that are not res­ist­ant will quickly be elim­in­ated so that only the most res­ist­ant bac­teria remain and can replicate.

The res­ults also showed that, at dif­fer­ent doses, the bac­teria evolved to have dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent adapt­a­tions that con­ferred their res­ist­ance. Import­antly, the adapt­a­tions for res­ist­ance at low doses, did not con­fer res­ist­ance at high doses and sim­il­arly, adapt­a­tions to high dosage did not pro­tect bac­teria at low doses. 

This know­ledge helps sci­ent­ists to fully under­stand the way anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance evolves, and affirms the import­ance of con­sid­er­ing the effect of dosage on the devel­op­ment of res­ist­ance. This inform­a­tion will be essen­tial in devel­op­ing effect­ive anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance man­age­ment strategies, hope­fully enabling us to reap the bene­fits of anti­bi­ot­ics for years to come.

The study men­tioned in this art­icle can be found here. A gloss­ary of key terms is provided below.

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Adapt­a­tions – the pro­cess of evol­u­tion that enables an organ­ism or spe­cies to become bet­ter suited to their environment.

Anti­bi­ot­ic era – the peri­od from the 1950s to present day, marked by the abil­ity to effect­ively use anti­bi­ot­ics to fight bac­teri­al infec­tions. We are poten­tially facing an oncom­ing post-anti­bi­ot­ic era where anti­bi­ot­ics are no effect­ive due to wide­spread resistance. 

Anti­bi­ot­ic res­ist­ance – occurs when the bac­teria devel­op adapt­a­tions that provide pro­tec­tion against anti­bi­ot­ics, mean­ing they are no longer killed by the same dose that used to elim­in­ate an infection.

Muta­tions – changes to the struc­ture or make up of a gene that can res­ult in changes to an organ­ism and/or its offspring

Selec­tion pres­sure – an extern­al factor that affects an organ­isms abil­ity to sur­vive in an giv­en envir­on­ment, adapt­ing to this pres­sure increases chance of survival.