How the sexes are more different than we thought

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters has revealed wide­spread and unex­pec­ted dif­fer­ences in gene expres­sion archi­tec­ture between the sexes. Author Dr Wouter van der Bijl sum­mar­ises the find­ings and tells us how the study came to be.

The per­fect male mouse and the per­fect female mouse are not the same. The sexes need to do slightly dif­fer­ent things in life, and as con­sequence many traits show sexu­al dimorph­ism, where the trait dif­fers between males and females. For example, males are typ­ic­ally lar­ger than females, but females have rel­at­ively lar­ger spleens. But how do these dif­fer­ences evolve? This is a trick­i­er ques­tion than it may first seem, since males and females share almost all of their DNA. So to cre­ate male and female traits from the same gen­ome, you need to express those genes differently.

How­ever, most genes are expressed at the same level in both sexes. So to evolve dimorph­ism, you would first need to decouple the expres­sion for a gene, and then evolve the optim­al expres­sion for males and females. This decoup­ling in the organ­iz­a­tion of traits has long been thought to make it very dif­fi­cult for traits to become sexu­ally dimorph­ic, a con­straint on their evol­u­tion. But this is a little puzz­ling. After all, the males and females of many spe­cies look very dif­fer­ent, so is sexu­al dimorph­ism really that hard to evolve? How much do we really know about the inner work­ings of male and females traits – are they really that coupled?

To learn more about these sex dif­fer­ences, we used data from the Inter­na­tion­al Mouse Phen­o­typ­ing Con­sor­ti­um (IMPC), an enorm­ous pro­ject of 21 insti­tu­tions that stud­ies how genes con­trol traits. They do this by cre­at­ing so-called “knock-out” lines of mice, where they stop genes from being expressed, turn­ing one gene off at a time, and then look at how hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent traits change in response, includ­ing changes in mor­pho­logy, physiology, immune func­tion and beha­vi­or. While these data are meant to be used for med­ic­al research, we can also use them to bet­ter under­stand the sexes.

What we found

If a trait is organ­ized the same way in males and females, then knock­ing out genes should have the same effects on that trait in both sexes. But this is not what we see. When look­ing across hun­dreds of traits and thou­sands of genes, we see sex dif­fer­ences almost every­where. We can express these dif­fer­ences by cal­cu­lat­ing the cor­rel­a­tion between what hap­pens in the male vs what hap­pens in the female. Aver­aged across traits, this cor­rel­a­tion is only 0.65. So over­all, the way that male and female traits are con­trolled is sim­il­ar but not the same.

But per­haps that is what we should have expec­ted? After all, male and female mice do look and behave dif­fer­ently. If the traits are already dimorph­ic, we prob­ably shouldn’t expect them to func­tion the same either. Sur­pris­ingly, how­ever, wheth­er the traits were dimorph­ic or not did not make a dif­fer­ence. When we looked at just mono­morph­ic traits, where males and females are identic­al, we still see that gene knock-outs often have dif­fer­ent effects.

This sug­gests that the gen­ome is trans­lated in two ways, even if the final out­come is the same! These hid­den dif­fer­ences in the way that male and female traits work make us ree­valu­ate how they evolve. Instead of hav­ing to decouple traits first, selec­tion can change the expres­sion of genes the same way in both sexes, and still change the dimorph­ism of the trait. This may help explain why sexu­al dimorph­ism is so com­mon in nature. As it turns out, males and females are more dif­fer­ent than we thought.

Behind the paper

This is the first (first-author) paper to be pub­lished from my post-doc with Judith Mank at UBC. Almost all the work was done in 2019, after I first arrived in Van­couver. Judith had just moved her lab from Lon­don, and while we had a lab full of excited people, the fish room was still without fish. And so we con­cocted a pro­ject using pub­lished data instead. Judith had been involved on a pre­vi­ous paper about sexu­al dimorph­ism with IMPC data, which had been focused on wheth­er med­ic­al bio­lo­gists should care about ana­lyz­ing both males and females (they should). She thought there was more to be done with the data, approach­ing it from an evol­u­tion­ary per­spect­ive. I eas­ily get excited about large data­sets, and dove right in.

The pro­ject was not without chal­lenges. While I have briefly worked on sexu­al dimorph­ism before (as I’ve writ­ten about on this blog), this paper could hardly be more dif­fer­ent. I very much come from a beha­vi­or­al eco­logy back­ground, and was not very used to think­ing about genes and genet­ic cor­rel­a­tions. We ended up heav­ily bor­row­ing ideas and meth­ods from quant­it­at­ive genet­ics, which I was largely unfa­mil­i­ar with. And the paper also uses meth­ods from gen­om­ics, such as GO-terms and dif­fer­en­tial expres­sion ana­lys­is, which were new for me. 

At the begin­ning, it felt a bit like I was start­ing a second PhD, lost in unfa­mil­i­ar lit­er­at­ure and strug­gling with new ideas. But that is exactly what made this pro­ject fun and very use­ful to me. I really enjoyed learn­ing new skills dur­ing the work that ended up in this paper, and am already apply­ing them in my next pro­jects. Per­haps that’s what makes for a good post-doc, the oppor­tun­ity to do some­thing totally new.

Dr Wouter van der Bijl is a post-doc­tor­al research­er at UBC. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.