Interpretation issues with “genomic vulnerability” arise from conceptual issues in local adaptation and maladaptation

Post by Katie Lotterhos

A recent study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters argues that cur­rent mod­els do not always make the kinds of pre­dic­tions that are rel­ev­ant to pre­dict­ing cli­mate change vul­ner­ab­il­ity or res­tor­a­tion suc­cess. Care­fully designed exper­i­ments, how­ever, can be used val­id­ate mod­els and improve pre­dic­tions. Author Katie Lot­ter­hos tells us more about this work:

Gen­omes hold import­ant clues to how spe­cies, and pop­u­la­tions with­in spe­cies, adapt to their envir­on­ments. Under rap­id envir­on­ment­al change, an under­stand­ing of cli­mate adapt­a­tion across a spe­cies range is import­ant to both identi­fy­ing vul­ner­able pop­u­la­tions as well as pop­u­la­tions that would thrive under future con­di­tions and there­fore be suit­able for res­tor­a­tion efforts.

Although eco­lo­gists have a long his­tory devel­op­ing pre­dict­ive mod­els for spe­cies’ responses to cli­mate change, it is only recently that mod­els have been developed that incor­por­ate gen­om­ic data into their pre­dic­tions. These mod­els are known as gen­om­ic fore­cast­ing mod­els. Fore­casts are often inter­preted as degree of “gen­om­ic vul­ner­ab­il­ity” or the degree that fit­ness will decline under future cli­mate change.

This per­spect­ive takes a found­a­tion­al look at pre­dict­ing spe­cies responses to cli­mate change from dif­fer­ent dir­ec­tions. From one dir­ec­tion, the ques­tion is asked: “What kind of pre­dic­tion is needed for dif­fer­ent applic­a­tions?” First, the author shows that the type of pre­dic­tion needed for res­tor­a­tion efforts (a pre­dic­tion of which gen­o­type will be the most pro­duct­ive in a par­tic­u­lar hab­it­at) is not the same type of pre­dic­tion that is needed for estim­at­ing mal­ad­apt­a­tion to cli­mate change (a pre­dic­tion of pro­ductiv­ity of a single gen­o­type in dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments).  Then, the author uses hypo­thet­ic­al and real data to show that these two types of pre­dic­tions are not equivalent.

From anoth­er dir­ec­tion, the ques­tion is asked: “What do gen­om­ic fore­casts pre­dict?” Here, crit­ic­al think­ing is used to show that gen­om­ic fore­casts likely pre­dict which gen­o­type will be the most pro­duct­ive in a par­tic­u­lar hab­it­at, due to the way that adapt­ive allele fre­quen­cies evolve on spa­tially het­ero­gen­ous land­scapes. The import­ant take-home here is that a gen­om­ic fore­cast could pre­dict the rel­at­ive per­form­ance of gen­o­types grown in a com­mon garden, but this does not neces­sar­ily val­id­ate the fore­cast for estim­at­ing the degree of mal­ad­apt­a­tion to cli­mate change.

The per­spect­ive con­cludes with a dis­cus­sion of how to design exper­i­ments to val­id­ate and improve pre­dic­tions of spe­cies responses to cli­mate change. Import­antly, only exper­i­ments that are designed with mul­tiple gen­o­types in mul­tiple envir­on­ments will provide the rig­or neces­sary to val­id­ate pre­dic­tions from gen­om­ic fore­cast­ing models.

Schematic figure illustrating experimental design for investigating questions of genomic vulnerability. On the left is section A, hypothetical landscape, with individual populations represented by circles in red, light blue, dark blue, and black. Section B is on the middle and right, and presents environment along the y axis and genotype along the X axis of a graph.
Fig­ure 1. Exper­i­ment­al design con­sid­er­a­tions when invest­ig­at­ing gen­om­ic vul­ner­ab­il­ity, using a garden example. A) A simple step­ping-stone mod­el of a meta­pop­u­la­tion along an envir­on­ment­al gradi­ent exper­i­ences lin­ear cli­mate change. (B) Exper­i­ment­al treat­ments are chosen to best rep­res­ent cur­rent and future con­di­tions at a num­ber of sites. This example assumes it is easi­er to grow many gen­o­types in a few com­mon gar­dens than vice versa. In each envir­on­ment­al treat­ment, com­par­is­on of the fit­nesses of gen­o­types with­in a com­mon garden (yellow/shaded boxes in the same row) gives insight to loc­al-for­eign fit­ness off­sets (right arrows). For each gen­o­type raised in their home envir­on­ment (bold C), com­par­is­on of the fit­nesses in oth­er envir­on­ment­al treat­ments (yellow/shaded boxes in the same column) gives insight to home-away fit­ness off­sets (down arrows).
Fig­ure and cap­tion cur­tesy of Katie Lot­ter­hos, and from the ori­gin­al paper. 

In sum­mary, this study integ­rates con­cep­tu­al issues in loc­al adapt­a­tion and con­cep­tu­al issues in mal­ad­apt­a­tion to provide a found­a­tion­al frame­work for con­struct­ing and inter­pret­ing pre­dict­ive mod­els. By integ­rat­ing these dif­fer­ent con­cep­tu­al issues and includ­ing examples and code, the author offers a roadmap toward more robust and rig­or­ous pre­dict­ive mod­els in eco­logy and evolution.

Dr. Katie Lot­ter­hos is an Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or of Mar­ine and and Envir­on­ment­al Sci­ence at North­east­ern Uni­ver­sity. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.

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