Large-scale studies of horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes: great potentials, great pitfalls 

Post by Michał Aleksander Ciach, Julia Pawłowska, Paweł Górecki, and Anna Muszewska

A recent study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters explores hori­zont­al gene trans­fer in early diver­ging fungi, and a com­pu­ta­tion­al pipeline developed to detect a stat­ist­ic­al sample of reli­able HGTs. The authors tell us more about this work:

In the mid-80s, Syvan­en pos­tu­lated that the exchange of genet­ic mater­i­al between organ­isms (Hori­zont­al Gene Trans­fer, HGT) is an import­ant and wide­spread evol­u­tion­ary mech­an­ism (Syvan­en 1985), and sum­mar­ized the evid­ence for that con­clus­ively in the mid-90’s (Syvan­en 1994). After that, HGT rap­idly became a major focus of research, which showed that the pro­cess is ubi­quit­ous in all domains of life includ­ing euk­a­ryotes, and sig­ni­fic­antly shif­ted our under­stand­ing of how gen­omes evolve (Keel­ing 2024). How­ever, the res­ults to date show a highly non-uni­form land­scape: while all domains of life seem to have organ­isms that read­ily incor­por­ate for­eign genet­ic mater­i­al, all have organ­isms that rarely or nev­er do it.

Our art­icle is a part of the cur­rent attempts to gain a more over­arch­ing insight into the com­plex land­scape of HGT in euk­a­ryotes. On a broad­er scale, how often do these organ­isms  incor­por­ate for­eign genes into their gen­omes, and what hap­pens with them after­wards – both with the organ­isms, and with the genes? Does the organism’s eco­lo­gic­al niche or taxo­nom­ic place­ment influ­ence wheth­er it read­ily par­ti­cip­ates in genet­ic exchange, or rather prefers gen­om­ic sta­bil­ity? How often is HGT a real “evol­u­tion­ary short­cut”, and how often just a gen­om­ic noise? 

To pick a rep­res­ent­at­ive group of organ­isms for our research, we focused on the fungi. These organ­isms are remark­ably diverse, from aquat­ic para­sites of anim­als, through ter­restri­al decom­posers of dead organ­ic mat­ter, to anaer­obic sym­bionts of herb­i­vores. Not to men­tion their com­mer­cial and med­ic­al import­ance: they cause severe dis­eases with a total death toll great­er than mal­aria. And some of them do par­ti­cip­ate in genet­ic exchange in remark­able ways (Gonçalves, C., Hit­tinger, C.T., Rokas, A. 2024), includ­ing giant trans­po­sons that massively move genes across diverse fil­a­ment­ous fungi (Buck­nell and McDon­ald 2023).

We focused on 44 fungi belong­ing to the so-called early diver­ging group, which rep­res­ent the most diverse fungal lin­eages and are severely under­stud­ied. To find hori­zont­ally acquired genes, we developed a meth­od­o­logy of com­par­at­ive stud­ies of HGT in euk­a­ryotes and imple­men­ted it in a com­pu­ta­tion­al pipeline. We have iden­ti­fied sev­er­al evol­u­tion­ary scen­ari­os in which cer­tain fungal gen­omes became enriched in xen­o­logs, with vary­ing rates of par­ti­cip­a­tion in genet­ic exchange and duplic­a­tion of the received genet­ic mater­i­al, res­ult­ing in enriched meta­bol­ic, adapt­ive, and immune cap­ab­il­it­ies. The pro­cess is often asso­ci­ated with gene fusion, as the for­eign genet­ic mater­i­al can get incor­por­ated with­in a pre-exist­ing gene. After­ward, a for­eign pro­tein-cod­ing gene can even obtain frag­ments of oth­er genes of the host through mech­an­isms such as the shuff­ling of pro­tein domains, which can fur­ther modi­fy its func­tions, a res­ult that com­bines, uni­fies, and extends pre­vi­ous obser­va­tions (Cul­bertson and Lev­in 2023).

Fig­ure 1. The rates of HGT and posttrans­fer duplic­a­tions among the 44 early diver­ging fungi. The loss of fla­gel­lum (green star) delin­eates the ances­trally aquat­ic fungi from the ances­trally ter­restri­al ones. Pro­teo­me size and eco­logy of the fungi are giv­en on the right. Fig­ure cred­it: Ciach et al., 2024. 

Our res­ults paint a detailed, intric­ate land­scape of genet­ic exchange through­out the fungal tree of life. How­ever, it wasn’t easy to arrive at this point. The pro­ject star­ted in 2014, and what was seem­ingly a simple idea turned into an almost ten-year-long jour­ney of repeatedly check­ing the res­ults, mak­ing neces­sary improve­ments to the pipeline, re-cal­cu­lat­ing the res­ults, and find­ing even more prob­lems. As we show in our art­icle, there is a par­tic­u­lar, multi-layered com­plex­ity to euk­a­ryot­ic HGT, one that is on the verge of the cap­ab­il­it­ies of cur­rent algorithms, neces­sit­at­ing a tailored approach that over­comes numer­ous pit­falls and limitations.

Our ini­tial approach seemed reas­on­able: use com­pos­i­tion­al stat­ist­ics such as an atyp­ic­al GC con­tent and Codon Adapt­a­tion Index to get an ini­tial set of poten­tially for­eign, pro­tein-cod­ing genes; use BLAST to detect homo­logs of the encoded pro­teins; cluster and align the sequences; infer max­im­um like­li­hood phylo­gen­et­ic trees; and finally, use the tree recon­cili­ation algorithms to com­pare the gene trees to the spe­cies trees from NCBI Tax­onomy. We imple­men­ted this approach, et voilà, we obtained a set of poorly sup­por­ted trees littered with chains of implaus­ible trans­fers across kingdoms. 

Which step was the cul­prit? Every single one. Start­ing with tree recon­cili­ation algorithms, which look for HGT events by embed­ding a gene tree into the cor­res­pond­ing spe­cies tree. Unbeat­able in ana­lyses of indi­vidu­al genes, it turned out they struggle with large-scale com­par­at­ive stud­ies. First, they require the user to spe­cify the “evol­u­tion­ary costs” of gene trans­fers, arbit­rary para­met­ers that do not have a clear bio­lo­gic­al inter­pret­a­tion nor estab­lished meth­ods to estim­ate them in a high through­put set­ting. Second, as our res­ults even­tu­ally con­firmed, we sus­pec­ted that trans­fer rates may dif­fer markedly between organ­isms, viol­at­ing the impli­cit assump­tion of a con­stant “cost” of trans­fer. These and oth­er prob­lems promp­ted us to devel­op an algorithm that can detect incon­gru­en­cies between trees without the need to spe­cify cost para­met­ers (Ciach, Muszewska, and Górecki 2018).

It then turned out that neither recon­cili­ation nor our approach was suf­fi­cient for the task at hand. Both approaches had a par­tic­u­lar require­ment that we couldn’t sat­is­fy: accur­ately rooted gene trees. In a high through­put set­ting, out­groups are unavail­able, and the accur­acy of out­group-free root­ing meth­ods turned out to be gravely insuf­fi­cient for our needs. Thus, we needed to devel­op yet anoth­er approach, one that can work with unrooted trees. We based our idea on the way trees are often ana­lyzed manu­ally: check which spe­cies are on each side of a fungal sub­tree and com­pare them to the spe­cies tree. This finally led us to an algorithm that worked for our study.

One that worked on cor­rect input data, that is. We then dis­covered prob­lems much deep­er in the pipeline: the clus­ter­ing soft­ware struggled. As we show in our art­icle, pro­tein sequences can lose or gain up to 400 amino acids dur­ing or after trans­fer and are often fused with fungal genes, lead­ing to an incon­sist­ent homo­logy and con­sequently a quasi-ran­dom assign­ment to clusters. 

After elim­in­at­ing the prob­lems one by one, we arrived at the very bot­tom of our pipeline: fil­ters based on com­pos­i­tion­al stat­ist­ics dis­carded many not­able cases of HGT while select­ing many ver­tic­ally inher­ited genes as “poten­tially inter­est­ing”. In hind­sight, this is not sur­pris­ing: as we show in our art­icle, many bac­teri­al genes quickly ameli­or­ate into the host gen­omes, lead­ing to, for example, bac­teria-derived genes with up to 14 introns. Ances­trally aquat­ic fungi turned out to be gen­er­ally more likely to acquire for­eign genet­ic mater­i­al than ter­restri­al ones. Endosym­bi­ot­ic bac­teria were revealed to be a source of use­ful xen­o­logs, as exem­pli­fied by NOD-like recept­ors trans­ferred to Mortierellomycota.

Fig­ure 2: Phylo­gen­et­ic tree of the early diver­ging fungi (EDF) show­ing three inde­pend­ent hori­zont­al gene trans­fers of the same gene (shown in magenta, bold text). Cred­it: Michał Aleksander Ciach.

Finally, we arrived at our des­tin­a­tion. While there is still much to be done, we finally get a glimpse at the com­plex land­scape of HGT across diverse fungal spe­cies, the intric­ate com­plex­ity of its mech­an­isms, and the diverse ways it can res­ult in evol­u­tion­ary advant­ages. We describe more details, includ­ing the taxo­nom­ic, gen­om­ic, and molecu­lar aspects of fungal HGT, in our article.

 Julia Pawłowska is the head of the Insti­tute of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Warsaw,  Paweł Górecki is a pro­fess­or in Math­em­at­ics, Inform­at­ics and Mech­an­ics at the Uni­ver­sity of Warsaw, and Anna Muszewska is a pro­fess­or in the Insti­tute of Bio­chem­istry and bio­phys­ics at the Pol­ish Academy of Sci­ences. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.


Buck­nell, Angus H., and Megan C. McDon­ald. 2023. “That’s No Moon, It’s a Star­ship: Giant Trans­po­sons Driv­ing Fungal Hori­zont­al Gene Trans­fer.” Molecu­lar Micro­bi­o­logy 120 (4): 555–63.

Ciach, Michał Aleksander, Anna Muszewska, and Paweł Górecki. 2018. “Locus-Aware Decom­pos­i­tion of Gene Trees with Respect to Poly­tom­ous Spe­cies Trees.” Algorithms for Molecu­lar Bio­logy: AMB 13 (June): 11.

Cul­bertson, Edward M., and Tera C. Lev­in. 2023. “Euk­a­ryot­ic CD-NTase, STING, and Viper­in Pro­teins Evolved via Domain Shuff­ling, Hori­zont­al Trans­fer, and Ancient Inher­it­ance from Proka­ryotes.” PLoS Bio­logy 21 (12): e3002436.

Gonçalves, C., Hit­tinger, C.T., Rokas, A. 2024. “Hori­zont­al Gene Trans­fer in Fungi and Its Eco­lo­gic­al Import­ance.” In Fungal Asso­ci­ations, edited by Hsueh Y P Black­well. Vol. 9. The Myco­ta. Springer.

Keel­ing, Patrick J. 2024. “Hori­zont­al Gene Trans­fer in Euk­a­ryotes: Align­ing The­ory with Data.” Nature Reviews. Genet­ics 25 (6):

Syvan­en, M. 1985. “Cross-Spe­cies Gene Trans­fer; Implic­a­tions for a New The­ory of Evol­u­tion.” Journ­al of The­or­et­ic­al Bio­logy 112 (2):

———. 1994.“Horizontal Gene Trans­fer: Evid­ence and Pos­sible Con­sequences.” Annu­al Review of Genet­ics 28:

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