Evolution Letters Online Summer Talks

From 08–12 June 2020 we are excited to host a series of fas­cin­at­ing short online talks on a range of cut­ting edge evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy research top­ics, giv­en by sci­ent­ists who have pub­lished with Evol­u­tion Let­ters in the last 12 months.

Details of the talks and when they will be released can be found below. Video links will be added as the talks are released. To ensure as many people as pos­sible can watch the talks, the videos will remain avail­able after their des­ig­nated release time – please feel free to come back and watch them at any time! We will post each talk as it is released via our Twit­ter account, and this will also provide an oppor­tun­ity to ask the speak­ers any questions.

We hope you enjoy the excit­ing array of new evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy research we have on offer!


All times are in Brit­ish Sum­mer Time (BST)​ (​ GMT+1)

Monday 08 June

1pm: Hol­lie Mar­shall / DNA methyl­a­tion and gene expres­sion changes between bumble­bee workers

Hol­lie Mar­shall tells us how DNA methyl­a­tion and gene expres­sion changes between bumble­bee work­ers. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.129

4pm:​ Jay Gold­berg / Herb­i­vore-medi­ated neg­at­ive fre­quency-selec­tion under­lies a trich­ome dimorph­ism in nature

Jay Gold­berg presents his research on how neg­at­ive frequency-dependent selec­tion (NFDS) main­tains poly­morph­ism in nature. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.157

7pm: Julie Gauzere / Where is the optim­um? Pre­dict­ing the vari­ation of selec­tion along cli­mat­ic gradi­ents and the adapt­ive value of plasticity

Julie Gauzere presents her research on pre­dict­ing the vari­ation of selec­tion along cli­mat­ic gradi­ents and the adapt­ive value of plas­ti­city, using tree phen­o­logy as a case study. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.160

Tuesday 09 June

1pm: Philip Madgwick / Evol­u­tion of stra­tegic cooperation

Philip Madg­wick presents his research on the evol­u­tion of stra­tegic cooper­a­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.164

4pm: Nora Mitchell /​ Cor­rel­ates of hybrid­isa­tion in plant

Nora Mitchell presents her research on the cor­rel­ates of hybrid­isa­tion in plants. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.146

7pm: Aman­da Pet­tersen / How does com­pet­i­tion shape vari­ation in meta­bol­ic rates?

Aman­da Pet­tersen tells us how com­pet­i­tion shapes vari­ation in meta­bol­ic rates. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13213

Wednesday 10 June

No Talks – #Shut­Down­STEM https://www.shutdownstem.com

Thursday 11 June

1pm: Renée Fir­man / Paternal sex alloc­a­tion: a mech­an­ism and an implication

Renée Fir­man talks us through her research on paternal sex alloc­a­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.123

4pm: Amir Yassin / Quan­ti­fy­ing the extent of homo­plasy in Droso­phila

Homo­plasy is a fun­da­ment­al phe­nomen­on in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy, and Amir Yassin talks us through its extent at the mor­pho­lo­gic­al level. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.115

7pm: Louise Nør­gaard / Infec­tion in patchy pop­u­la­tions: con­trast­ing patho­gen inva­sion suc­cess and dis­pers­al at vary­ing times since host colonization

Louise Noer­gaard talks us through her study invest­ig­at­ing infec­tion in patchy pop­u­la­tions: con­trast­ing patho­gen inva­sion suc­cess and dis­pers­al at vary­ing times since host col­on­isa­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.141

Friday 12 June

1pm: Vlad Demart­sev and​ ​Amiy­aal Ilany / The “Law of Brev­ity” in anim­al com­mu­nic­a­tion: sex spe­cif­ic sig­nalling optim­isa­tion is determ­ined by call amp­litude rather than duration

Vlad Demart­sev and Amiy­aal Ilany tell us about the “Law of Brev­ity” in anim­al com­mu­nic­a­tion, and why sex spe­cif­ic sig­nalling optim­isa­tion is determ­ined by call amp­litude rather than dur­a­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.147

4pm: Juli­en Dutheil / The gen­om­ic determ­in­ants of adapt­ive evol­u­tion in a fungal pathogen

Juli­en Dutheil explains the genet­ic mech­an­isms of fungal patho­gen adapt­ive evol­u­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.117

7pm: Car­rie Wes­sing­er / Adapt­a­tion to hum­ming­bird pol­lin­a­tion is asso­ci­ated with reduced diver­si­fic­a­tion in Penste­mon

Car­rie Wes­sing­er presents her research on adapt­a­tion to hum­ming­bird pol­lin­a­tion. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.130

Bonus talk: Bri­an Met­zger / Com­pens­at­ory trans-reg­u­lat­ory alleles in are com­mon with­in Sac­char­o­my­ces cerevisiae

Bri­an Met­zger presents his research: Com­pens­at­ory trans-reg­u­lat­ory alleles min­im­iz­ing vari­ation in TDH3 expres­sion are com­mon with­in Sac­char­o­my­ces cerevisi­ae. Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/evl3.137

The Evol­u­tion Let­ters Online Sum­mer Talks were coordin­ated by MSc Sci­ence Com­mu­nic­a­tion stu­dent Emily Jones, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Com­mu­nic­a­tions Edit­or Dr Nic­ola Hem­mings. Thank you to all the authors that took part in the event.