Privacy Policy

Who we are is provided by the European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (ESEB). ESEB (here­after “ESEB”, “Soci­ety”, “we”, or “us”) is a Pub­lic Bene­fit organ­isa­tion registered in The Neth­er­lands under the tax num­ber: 8080.77.223. ESEB is registered at Molen­straat 156, 6712 CW Ede, NL. The ESEB office can be reached by email ( The offi­cial web­site of ESEB is avail­able at

ESEB acts as the con­trol­ler of the per­son­al data you provide to us via the web­site. When you sub­mit your per­son­al inform­a­tion to us you con­sent to the prac­tises described in this pri­vacy policy. If you are under 18 years of age, you must first seek the con­sent of your par­ent or guard­i­an pri­or to sub­mit­ting any per­son­al inform­a­tion to us.

What data we collect

When vis­it­ors leave com­ments on the site we col­lect the vis­it­or’s name, email address, IP address, and the web browser used. We also col­lect the data provided in the com­ment form.


We don’t use cook­ies on this website.

Embedded content from other websites

We may embed con­tent from oth­er web­sites at If you vis­it the oth­er web­site the pri­vacy policy of the respons­ible data con­trol­ler applies.

How we use your data

IP address, name, and email address col­lec­ted from com­menters is used to avoid spam­ming and to con­trol for appro­pri­ate con­tent on our website.

We will use appro­pri­ate phys­ic­al, tech­nic­al and admin­is­trat­ive safe­guards to pro­tect your data. Access to your per­son­al data will be restric­ted to only those who need to know that inform­a­tion and required to per­form their job func­tion. In addi­tion, we train our soci­ety employ­ees and volun­teers about the import­ance of main­tain­ing the con­fid­en­ti­al­ity and secur­ity of your information.

Where we send your data

Vis­it­or com­ments are send to the web master/content man­ager for approval.

How long we retain your data

Com­ments and metadata of com­ments are retained for ten years.

What rights you have over your data

If you have left com­ments, you can request to receive an expor­ted file of the per­son­al data we hold about you, includ­ing any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any per­son­al data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for admin­is­trat­ive, leg­al, or secur­ity purposes.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

Please note that this Pri­vacy Notice is reviewed peri­od­ic­ally. ESEB reserves the right to modi­fy its Pri­vacy Notice at any time without notice. Any changes to the Pri­vacy Notice will be pos­ted on this page and will become effect­ive on the date of post­ing. We encour­age you to peri­od­ic­ally review this page for the latest inform­a­tion on our pri­vacy practices.


Ques­tions, com­ments and requests regard­ing this pri­vacy notice are wel­comed and should be addressed by email to Please note that before we can respond to your request, we may ask you for fur­ther inform­a­tion to veri­fy your identity.