The real Paleo Diet: tracing 800 million years of evolution in animal diets

In our new author blog, Pro­fess­or John Wiens describes the first ever study of the evol­u­tion of diet across all animals.

One of the most fun­da­ment­al aspects of the bio­logy of an anim­al spe­cies is the type of food that it eats.  Anim­als have a remark­able diversity of diets and of life­styles that are asso­ci­ated with these diets. Examples include immob­ile mar­ine inver­teb­rates (like sponges) that pass­ively feed on tiny organ­isms filtered from the water, mam­mali­an car­ni­vores that stalk, kill, and eat large, dan­ger­ous prey, para­sit­ic worms that spend much of their lives feed­ing on and liv­ing inside lar­ger anim­als, and the many thou­sands of insect spe­cies that spe­cial­ize on feed­ing on a lim­ited num­ber of plant spe­cies.  Yet, the evol­u­tion of diet has yet to be stud­ied across all animals.

A new study in Evol­u­tion Let­ters has now ana­lyzed the evol­u­tion of diet across the more than 800 mil­lion-year his­tory of anim­als.  This study set out to answer three main ques­tions.  First, are diets evol­u­tion­ary con­served over evol­u­tion­ary his­tory, or do they change rap­idly and ran­domly over time?  Second, do dif­fer­ent diets help shape the anim­al Tree of Life, with cer­tain diets caus­ing groups to rap­idly pro­lif­er­ate into thou­sands of spe­cies?  Third, what diet was most likely present in the ancest­or of all liv­ing anim­als, and of major anim­al groups?

What did the ancest­or of all liv­ing anim­als eat? Image: But­ter­flies feed­ing on flowers in Ari­zona. Cred­it: John Wiens

To address these ques­tions, the authors first gathered pub­lished data on diet from all major groups of anim­als.  They clas­si­fied spe­cies as being herb­i­vor­ous (feed­ing on auto­trophs, like plants, algae, and cyanobac­teria), car­ni­vor­ous (feed­ing on het­ero­trophs, like oth­er anim­als and single-celled, bac­teria-eat­ing prot­ists), and omni­vor­ous (fre­quently feed­ing on both auto­trophs and het­ero­trophs).  They estim­ated the pro­por­tion of dif­fer­ent types of diets for nearly all anim­al phyla and for almost all groups with­in them.  They ana­lyzed these data on an evol­u­tion­ary tree built from DNA sequence data.  The branches of the tree were scaled to the ages of the dif­fer­ent groups based on the tim­ing of their appear­ance in the fossil record.  Finally, they addressed their three main ques­tions (i.e. are diets con­served over time? are diets related to diver­si­fic­a­tion? what was the ances­tral diet of anim­als) using stat­ist­ic­al meth­ods that util­ize phylo­gen­et­ic trees.

The study revealed sev­er­al intriguing res­ults.  First, diets are highly con­served across the anim­al Tree of Life.  Des­pite all the vari­ation in diets among anim­al spe­cies, they found that the over­whelm­ing pat­tern is for spe­cies to have diets that are sim­il­ar to those of their closest rel­at­ives.  For example, across tens of thou­sands of spe­cies of spiders, all feed primar­ily on oth­er anim­als.  Sim­il­arly, among the thou­sands of spe­cies of snakes, none feed on plants.

Diets are highly con­served across anim­al groups. Image: Snake eat­ing frog. Cred­it: John Wiens.

Second, dif­fer­ent diets do not impact rates of spe­cies pro­lif­er­a­tion across all anim­als.  This res­ult is sur­pris­ing, because pre­vi­ous stud­ies showed that herb­ivory (feed­ing on plants) accel­er­ates rates of spe­cies pro­lif­er­a­tion in some import­ant groups, such as insects, crus­ta­ceans, and mam­mals.  How­ever, herb­ivory has no sig­ni­fic­ant impact on the diver­si­fic­a­tion across all anim­als.  The authors sug­ges­ted that this occurs because cer­tain diets seem to accel­er­ate rates in some groups, where­as the altern­at­ive diet accel­er­ates rates in oth­ers.  Thus, feed­ing on plants accel­er­ates diver­si­fic­a­tion in some insects, but in oth­er anim­al groups, feed­ing on anim­als seems to accel­er­ate diver­si­fic­a­tion (such as in the para­sit­ic round­worms and flat­worms, the nem­at­odes and platyhelminths).

Third, the diet of the ancest­or of all liv­ing anim­als was most likely car­ni­vor­ous.  Fur­ther­more, most major groups of anim­als also seem to have had car­ni­vor­ous ancest­ors, includ­ing arth­ro­pods (the group con­tain­ing insects, spiders, and crus­ta­ceans), chord­ates (includ­ing fish, amphi­bi­ans, birds, rep­tiles, and mam­mals), and mol­luscs (includ­ing snails, clams, and squids).  In con­trast, a herb­i­vor­ous diet evolved more recently and repeatedly with­in these major groups.  Remark­ably, the recon­struc­tions of ances­tral diets sug­ges­ted that many car­ni­vor­ous spe­cies liv­ing today may trace this diet through an unbroken series of car­ni­vor­ous ancest­ors back to the ancest­or of all anim­al spe­cies, over 800 mil­lion years ago.

The ancest­or of all liv­ing anim­als was most likely a car­ni­vore. Image: Condor vul­tures, Colom­bia. Cred­it: Chris­ti­an Román-Palacios.

An obvi­ous ques­tion arising from these res­ults is: how could the ancest­or of all anim­al spe­cies be car­ni­vor­ous if there were no oth­er anim­al spe­cies (at that time) to eat?  This ancest­or could have eaten one-celled organ­isms called prot­ists.  Many prot­ists are also het­ero­trophs, like animals.

Finally, the study also estim­ated how com­mon dif­fer­ent diets are among all anim­al spe­cies, pos­sibly for the first time.  The authors estim­ated that the major­ity (roughly two thirds) of all anim­al spe­cies are car­ni­vor­ous, that herb­i­vores are roughly half as com­mon as car­ni­vores, and that omni­vores are rel­at­ively rare, occur­ring in only 5% or less of anim­al spe­cies.  The rel­at­ive rar­ity of omni­vores, which have diets that are inter­me­di­ate between the more spe­cial­ized herb­i­vores and car­ni­vores, might also help explain the rel­at­ively few trans­itions between car­ni­vor­ous and herb­i­vor­ous diets. In turn, the few trans­itions between car­ni­vor­ous and herb­i­vor­ous diets may explain the over­all pat­tern of diets being strongly con­served among spe­cies and main­tained over time for hun­dreds of mil­lions of years.


John Wiens is Pro­fess­or of Eco­logy and Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona. The ori­gin­al study is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.