D. discoideum in the process of and after forming fruiting bodies.

Food bacteria affect the interaction between amoebae and Paraburkholderia bacteria

Post by Trey Scott

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters exam­ines the nature of the rela­tion­ship between an amoeba and its sym­biont bac­teria. Author Trey Scott tells us more:

Pin­ning down how organ­isms inter­act is more com­plic­ated than you think. The intro­duct­ory bio­logy ver­sion of inter­ac­tions between spe­cies is that they fall into neat cat­egor­ies depend­ing on who is helped or harmed. For example, ants pro­tect some spe­cies of plants from herb­i­vores. The plants return the favor by releas­ing sug­ary sub­stances to feed the ants. Since both ants and plants bene­fit, this kind of inter­ac­tion would be called a mutu­al­ism. In con­trast, if one side bene­fits at the expense of the oth­er, like when a vir­us exploits its human host, the inter­ac­tion would be called ant­ag­on­ism. How­ever, most inter­ac­tions (and even the ant-plant and vir­us-human examples) are rarely this tidy because inter­ac­tions can shift from mutu­al­ist­ic to ant­ag­on­ist­ic and vice versa in dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments. Our study shows that to be the case for both sides of a sym­bi­os­is between Dic­ty­osteli­um discoideum amoe­bae and the Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia bac­teria that live inside them (these are called “sym­bionts”). We also show that these shift­ing inter­ac­tions do not fun­da­ment­ally change the story of how inter­ac­tions between spe­cies evolve.

D. discoideum in the pro­cess of (right) and after (left) form­ing fruit­ing bod­ies. Image cred­it: Tyler Larsen.

D. discoideum are amoe­bae that live in the soil and eat bac­teria. When D. discoideum runs out of food bac­teria, it forms a fruit­ing body — a struc­ture for dis­pers­ing spores that will become new amoe­bae to new envir­on­ments. Amoe­bae and their fruit­ing bod­ies are hosts to three spe­cies of sym­bi­ot­ic Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia bac­teria that catch a ride with hosts. These Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts are ined­ible to the hosts but are more than just stowaways; they provide hosts with an import­ant bene­fit. Hosts that have Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts can carry food bac­teria when they dis­perse to new envir­on­ments. Being able to carry food bac­teria allows hosts to pack their lunch when dis­pers­ing. This is a major bene­fit for hosts when food bac­teria are rare but comes with a cost when food bac­teria are already in an envir­on­ment. This means that this sym­bi­os­is has ele­ments of mutu­al­ism and ant­ag­on­ism for hosts depend­ing on the amount of food bacteria.

What about the Paraburkholderia symbionts?

Most of the research on this sym­bi­os­is has focused on the host side of the story. The side of Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts has been more of a mys­tery. One import­ant ques­tion is wheth­er Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts are affected by food bac­teria in the envir­on­ment. That is the first ques­tion we set out to test in this study.

Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts grow­ing dur­ing “spot tests” where single D. discoideum fruit­ing bod­ies are placed on agar plates to determ­ine if sym­bionts are present. Image cred­it: Trey Scott

To test how food bac­teria affect the sym­bionts, we meas­ured the amount of Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia after dis­pers­ing host spores that con­tained food bac­teria and Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia to new envir­on­ments. These new envir­on­ments (agar plates) could either con­tain or lack food bac­teria. We found that, like their hosts, Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts are affected by the pres­ence of food bac­teria. In this case, sym­bionts bene­fit when there are few­er food bac­teria tak­ing up resources.

We wondered if the amount of Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia in these dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments affected the hosts. By meas­ur­ing the num­ber of sym­bionts and the num­ber of spores pro­duced by hosts, we found that Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia ten­ded to harm hosts, but less so when they were on plates without food. This indic­ates that while this inter­ac­tion involves some ant­ag­on­ism, there may be some envir­on­ments that involve more mutualism.

Does an environment that changes over time modify how symbioses evolve?

We expect that D. discoideum will encounter envir­on­ments with and without food bac­teria over time as it eats, forms fruit­ing bod­ies, and dis­perses in the soil. This means that the inter­ac­tion between D. discoideum and Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia will change over time. Inter­ac­tions that change in this way may modi­fy our think­ing about the evol­u­tion of mutu­al­isms more gen­er­ally. Usu­ally, we expect mutu­al­ist­ic inter­ac­tions to evolve when the bene­fits of inter­act­ing out­weigh the costs so that both sides bene­fit. How­ever, the cal­cu­la­tion of costs and bene­fits changes when con­di­tions change over time because rare, harsh con­di­tions that drastic­ally reduce growth can have out­sized impacts on long-term growth. To avoid these drastic reduc­tions in growth, some organ­isms “hedge their bets” with phen­o­types that avoid the impact of the harshest con­di­tions but that are less well adap­ted for good con­di­tions. The same logic may apply to sym­bi­oses where hosts will hedge their bets by part­ner­ing with sym­bionts that reduce growth when con­di­tions are good and provide a bene­fit when con­di­tions are bad.

We tested wheth­er hav­ing a sym­biont was bene­fi­cial for D. discoideum hosts because of either the tra­di­tion­al explan­a­tion of more bene­fits than costs or the explan­a­tion of bet-hedging. We used our empir­ic­al data to sim­u­late how hosts are affected in envir­on­ments where the amount of food bac­teria changed across time. When food bac­teria are fre­quently com­mon, con­di­tions are good for hosts. When food bac­teria are fre­quently rare, con­di­tions are harsh. Our sim­u­la­tions showed that sym­bi­os­is was often favored, espe­cially in harsh con­di­tions. How­ever, when hav­ing sym­bionts was advant­age­ous, it was often because the bene­fits out­weighed costs. Bet-hedging only appeared in a few cases. This shows that inter­ac­tions can be bene­fi­cial in harsh and vari­able envir­on­ments, but this does not modi­fy how inter­ac­tions should evolve.

Togeth­er, our res­ults show that the abund­ance of food bac­teria mat­ters for both D. discoideum hosts and Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sym­bionts. How­ever, our sim­u­la­tion res­ults show that bet-hedging is prob­ably not required for D. discoideum hosts to bene­fit in harsh con­di­tions from their asso­ci­ation with Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia. Instead, the con­ven­tion­al explan­a­tion of costs out­weigh­ing bene­fits fits best for this symbiosis.

Trey Scott is a PhD Can­did­ate at Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­sity in St. Louis. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters. 

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