Hybrid Incompatibilities Stop Selfish Sex Chromosomes Flying North

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters has demon­strated a cru­cial role for genet­ic incom­pat­ib­il­ity in pre­vent­ing the spread of selfish sex chro­mo­somes across pop­u­la­tions. Sci­ence blog­ger Luke Turn­er tells us more.

Com­pet­i­tion between genes can be fierce in the battle to be expressed in the next gen­er­a­tion. While this is often mani­fes­ted as com­pet­i­tion between indi­vidu­als for repro­duct­ive suc­cess, it can also take place between the genes of a single indi­vidu­al, with some genes find­ing ways of cheat­ing their way into off­spring. Known as selfish genet­ic ele­ments, the sole ambi­tion of these DNA sequences is to act­ively increase the num­ber of times they are trans­mit­ted to the next gen­er­a­tion. When these selfish sec­tions of DNA occur on one of the sex chro­mo­somes, they can lead to sig­ni­fic­ant and poten­tially dam­aging eco­lo­gic­al impacts on spe­cies, most not­ably by alter­ing the ratio of males and females in a population.

While nor­mal cell divi­sion gives both cop­ies of a gene an equal chance of being expressed in daugh­ter cells, these selfish genet­ic ele­ments – also known as sex chro­mo­some mei­ot­ic drivers – manip­u­late the pro­cess to increase their own trans­mis­sion at the expense of the rival chro­mo­some. In spe­cies where males are the het­ero­gamet­ic sex (i.e. pos­sess two dif­fer­ent sex chro­mo­somes, such as X and Y), this res­ults in over 50% of func­tion­al sperm con­tain­ing the selfish chro­mo­some, allow­ing it to spread quickly through sub­sequent generations.

In nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions, mei­ot­ic drivers can be found at vari­able fre­quen­cies across dif­fer­ent geo­graph­ic­al loc­a­tions. This is the case in the fruit fly spe­cies Dro­so­phila sub­obscura, where the pres­ence of the sex chro­mo­some mei­ot­ic driver var­ies between dif­fer­ent pop­u­la­tions. In North­ern Africa, it is present in 15–25% of the pop­u­la­tion, but its fre­quency is as low as 0–2% in nearby Spain. Des­pite the power of mei­ot­ic drivers to boost their own expres­sion in pop­u­la­tions, these fre­quen­cies have remained sur­pris­ingly con­stant for 50 years, beg­ging the ques­tions; what exactly is pre­vent­ing the selfish genet­ic ele­ment from appear­ing at a high­er fre­quency, and why do so few Span­ish flies con­tain the mei­ot­ic driver? In oth­er spe­cies of fruit fly that play host to mei­ot­ic drivers, it has been shown that the spread of selfish genet­ic ele­ments is impeded by females mat­ing with sev­er­al dif­fer­ent males, because sperm that don’t carry the driver are bet­ter com­pet­it­ors for fer­til­isa­tion than sperm that do. In D. sub­obscura, how­ever, females mate with one male only, so female promis­cu­ity can’t be lim­it­ing the spread of the driver in this species.

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Female Dro­so­phila sub­obscura. Photo: Dar­ren Obbard.

New research con­duc­ted by Ver­spoor et al. (2018), pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters, sets out to identi­fy the forces that are pre­vent­ing mei­ot­ic drivers from spread­ing through­out the Span­ish pop­u­la­tion from adja­cent North Africa. As the North Afric­an flies exist geo­graph­ic­ally close to the Span­ish flies, it would be expec­ted that the two pop­u­la­tions would inter­breed, giv­ing the driver an oppor­tun­ity to spread north. By mat­ing flies from dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions, the research­ers dis­covered that the mei­ot­ic driver present in North Afric­an flies is highly incom­pat­ible with the genet­ic back­ground of flies from the Span­ish pop­u­la­tion. This means that flies from North Africa with the mei­ot­ic driver can­not pro­duce fer­tile off­spring with flies from Spain, pre­vent­ing its spread in this area. In con­trast, North Afric­an flies that do not pos­sess the mei­ot­ic driver are able to pro­duce healthy, fer­tile off­spring with the Span­ish flies, show­ing that it is spe­cific­ally the mei­ot­ic driver caus­ing the genet­ic incom­pat­ib­il­ity, rather than some oth­er dif­fer­ence between the populations.

If non-driver flies from the two loc­a­tions are genet­ic­ally viable, what is it about the mei­ot­ic driver that pre­vents two flies from the same spe­cies being able to pro­duce fer­tile off­spring? One explan­a­tion sug­ges­ted by the paper is that there is ongo­ing co-evol­u­tion between driv­ing and sup­press­ing genet­ic ele­ments in pop­u­la­tions where the driver is pro­lif­ic. Oth­er genes with­in an individual’s gen­ome may act to sup­press mei­ot­ic drivers, pre­vent­ing their spread. It is pos­sible that when the mei­ot­ic driver comes into con­tact with the sup­press­or-free genet­ic back­ground of the Span­ish pop­u­la­tion, it expresses itself at a super­charged rate that is tox­ic even to the sperm car­ry­ing it.

Although fur­ther research is needed to con­firm this the­ory, it seems likely that after recent gla­ci­ation events, the North Afric­an pop­u­la­tion was isol­ated, stop­ping any imme­di­ate spread of the mei­ot­ic driver. Sub­sequently, there has been a peri­od of co-evol­u­tion between the mei­ot­ic driver and its sup­press­or in an ongo­ing battle for the upper hand. This co-evol­u­tion may have even­tu­ally led to genet­ic incom­pat­ib­il­ity when North Afric­an flies came back into con­tact with Span­ish flies, with the lack of on-going coe­volu­tion between drivers and sup­press­ors in the Span­ish pop­u­la­tion res­ult­ing a dif­fer­ent genet­ic background.

This research sheds new light on sex chro­mo­some mei­ot­ic drivers, demon­strat­ing that hybrid incom­pat­ib­il­it­ies can pre­vent them from spread­ing across dif­fer­ent pop­u­la­tions. Giv­en that males with the mei­ot­ic driver pro­duce broods that are 85–100% female in D. sub­obscura, this genet­ic incom­pat­ib­il­ity could be vital in pre­vent­ing the driver from spread­ing between pop­u­la­tions and hav­ing a drastic impact on the sur­viv­al of the species.


Luke Turn­er is a MSc Sci­ence Com­mu­nic­a­tion stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Shef­field. The study repor­ted on is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Let­ters here.

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