A photo portrait of an adult male ostrich.

Reproductive success in the world’s largest bird is related to heritable variation in their thermal profiles

Post by Erik Svens­son

A recent study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters invest­ig­ates ther­more­g­u­la­tion and repro­duct­ive suc­cess in wild ostriches. Author Erik Svens­son tells us more: 

In our field study in the West­ern Cape Province in South Africa, we invest­ig­ated tem­per­at­ure reg­u­la­tion in the World’s largest bird: the Ostrich (Stru­thio came­lus) and its fit­ness con­sequences for female repro­duct­ive suc­cess (egg lay­ing rate).  We were also inter­ested in the genet­ic back­ground and evol­u­tion of such tem­per­at­ure reg­u­la­tion. We used thermal ima­ging (infrared cam­era, or “IR cam­era”) to meas­ure indi­vidu­al vari­ation in neck and head tem­per­at­ure in this large flight­less bird spe­cies. Our study was car­ried out in a semi-nat­ur­al, indi­vidu­ally marked ostrich pop­u­la­tion between 2012 and 2017, where we had access to indi­vidu­al vari­ation in repro­duct­ive suc­cess and ped­i­gree inform­a­tion from rel­at­ives, such as fam­ily mem­bers, sib­lings, par­ents, cous­ins etc.

A photograph portrait of an adult male ostrich, looking to the left. The ostrich's skin and beak are flushed bright red.
A male ostrich with bright red face and neck skin.
Photo by Erik Svensson. 

Since the head and neck lack feath­ers in the ostrich, we could meas­ure skin tem­per­at­ures of both these body parts under nor­mal out­door con­di­tions in a nat­ur­al envir­on­ment. We were also able invest­ig­ate how indi­vidu­al tem­per­at­ure pro­files affected the repro­duct­ive suc­cess of indi­vidu­al females. By com­par­ing the tem­per­at­ure pro­files of rel­at­ives in this indi­vidu­ally marked pop­u­la­tion, we were able to estim­ate how much genet­ic vari­ation there is in the abil­ity to reg­u­late tem­per­at­ure in thermal pro­files, and thereby the evol­u­tion­ary poten­tial of the ostrich to adapt to future cli­mate changes with increas­ing tem­per­at­ures. We also com­pared the ther­more­g­u­lat­ory abil­ity of dif­fer­ent sub­spe­cies of ostriches, in par­tic­u­lar those from East Africa that inhab­it a more stable trop­ic­al cli­mate with lower tem­per­at­ure fluc­tu­ations, com­pared to ostriches from south­ern Africa that have evolved in a cli­mate char­ac­ter­ized by great­er tem­per­at­ure fluc­tu­ations and with strongly vary­ing temperatures. 

Our study is import­ant because large ver­teb­rates such as the ostrich that live in extreme envir­on­ments like deserts and semi-deserts are likely to be threatened by anti­cip­ated cli­mate change with expec­ted rap­idly increas­ing tem­per­at­ures. Large endo­therm­ic ver­teb­rates are pre­dicted to be at high­er risk of over­heat­ing more eas­ily com­pared to smal­ler ecto­therm­ic anim­als that can more eas­ily dis­sip­ate excess heat. It is there­fore import­ant to know how ambi­ent tem­per­at­ure affects repro­duct­ive suc­cess via effects on vari­ous organs, includ­ing the neck and head, where the lat­ter body part is likely to also reflect the tem­per­at­ure of the brain. The brain is an organ that is par­tic­u­larly sens­it­ive to over­heat­ing. Fur­ther­more, it is import­ant to know if there is any genet­ic vari­ation in the abil­ity to tol­er­ate high tem­per­at­ures and to adapt­ively reg­u­late body tem­per­at­ure. Genet­ic vari­ation in ther­more­g­u­lat­ory capa­city is required for the ostrich to adapt through nat­ur­al selec­tion to future warm­er cli­mates. It is import­ant to know wheth­er sub­spe­cies of ostriches from dif­fer­ent parts of Africa that have exper­i­enced dis­tinct cli­mat­ic con­di­tions dur­ing their  evol­u­tion­ary his­tory show signs of hav­ing adap­ted to these cli­mates with vari­able degrees of tem­per­at­ure fluctuations. 

Our most import­ant find­ing in this study was that for a flex­ible physiolo­gic­al trait such as indi­vidu­al thermal pro­files, there exists genet­ic vari­ation. We were able to detect this vari­ation using our large data set of indi­vidu­als and by com­par­ing rel­at­ives. We found that the head (and thus the brain) was less affected by extern­al tem­per­at­ure than the neck. The ostrich there­fore seem to be able to “buf­fer” an import­ant organ from dan­ger­ous over­heat­ing through tem­per­at­ure reg­u­la­tion. The func­tion­ally import­ant tem­per­at­ure reg­u­la­tion of the head also had a pos­it­ive effect on egg-lay­ing rate dur­ing heat waves, but we found no such effect under nor­mal tem­per­at­ure con­di­tions. We also found that ostriches from the more trop­ic­al cli­mate of East Africa where the tem­per­at­ure vari­ations are less dra­mat­ic had a lower abil­ity to reg­u­late tem­per­at­ure, as expec­ted, than ostriches from south­ern Africa which exper­i­ence great­er tem­per­at­ure fluctuations.

A figure divided into three parts. Part A is a photograph of two adult, large ostriches. Part B is a thermal image of the same birds. Part C is a landscape photo of a dry, desert environment with a dusty sky.
Fig­ure 1 from the paper. A) A female (left) and male (right) adult ostriches. B) A thermal image of a female (left) and male (right) ostrich at the Oudtshoo­rn study site. C) A photo of the study site and it’s char­ac­ter­ist­ic­ally dry and tree-less envir­on­ment.
Pho­tos by C. K. Corn­wal­lis (A) and Erik Svens­son (B, C). 

Ostriches inhab­it some of the world’s most extreme envir­on­ments with extremely high tem­per­at­ures, such as deserts and semi-deserts. There are good reas­ons to be con­cerned about the future of the ostrich and the extinc­tion risk of this icon­ic spe­cies. Our study has shown that ambi­ent tem­per­at­ures affect the repro­duct­ive suc­cess of indi­vidu­al ostriches, but also that there is genet­ic vari­ation for the abil­ity to reg­u­late tem­per­at­ure. The exist­ence of sig­ni­fic­ant genet­ic vari­ation in the abil­ity to ther­more­g­u­late gives some hope that the ostrich will be able to adapt to future rising tem­per­at­ures through evol­u­tion by nat­ur­al selec­tion. How­ever, the amount of genet­ic vari­ation for the abil­ity to ther­more­g­u­late was lim­ited and low, so it is still uncer­tain wheth­er the ostrich has the abil­ity to adapt at a suf­fi­cient pace if future tem­per­at­ures would increase quickly in the future.

The ostrich is a well-known bird, both with­in and out­side Africa, and this spe­cies is there­fore import­ant to any­one inter­ested in nature, bird watch­ers, wild­life pho­to­graph­ers and the eco­tour­ism industry. Ostriches also play an import­ant role in loc­al cul­tur­al tra­di­tions in Africa and it is eco­nom­ic­ally import­ant for South Africa’s ostrich farm­ing industry. For these and sev­er­al oth­er reas­ons, it is import­ant to know to what extent this spe­cies can adapt evol­u­tion­ar­ily to future cli­mates, or altern­at­ively go extinct due to too rap­id tem­per­at­ure changes. We were sur­prised to be able to detect genet­ic vari­ation for such a flex­ible physiolo­gic­al trait like tem­per­at­ure pro­files. Indi­vidu­al tem­per­at­ure pro­files vary from hour to hour and from day to day, which leads to large meas­ure­ment errors and makes it dif­fi­cult to detect any genet­ic vari­ation, even if it exists. Our study was made pos­sible by using a large data­set that we col­lec­ted over sev­er­al years where we were able to meas­ure every indi­vidu­al sev­er­al times dur­ing their life­time. In total, we took 2744 infrared thermal images from 423 dif­fer­ent female ostriches. For most of these indi­vidu­al ostriches, we also had inform­a­tion from rel­at­ives’ tem­per­at­ure pro­files, which enabled our genet­ic analyses.

A thermal image of an adult ostrich, showing that the head, neck, and legs have the highest temperatures (shown in red) while the body has a lower temperature (shown in green and yellow).
A thermal image of an adult ostrich.
Photo by Erik Svensson. 

In con­clu­sion, the use of infrared thermal cam­era tech­no­logy enabled us to carry out this unique study where we man­aged to demon­strate genet­ic vari­ation in the abil­ity to reg­u­late tem­per­at­ure in the world’s largest and most enig­mat­ic bird species.

Erik Svens­son is a pro­fess­or at Lund Uni­ver­sity. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters

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