Post by Tom Wenseleers

A recent study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters invest­ig­ates why in some sting­less bees, as many as 1 in 10 females devel­op as “wan­nabe queens” only to be killed by work­er bees soon after emer­ging. Seni­or author Tom Wenseleers sheds light on this pecu­li­ar phenomenon:

In the rigidly struc­tured soci­et­ies of bees, repro­duct­ive roles are strictly defined: queens bear the next gen­er­a­tion, while work­ers sup­port the colony’s sur­viv­al through their labor. Ordin­ar­ily, the path to becom­ing a queen is determ­ined by super­i­or nutri­tion – queens are lar­ger than work­ers and hence poten­tial queens require more or bet­ter-qual­ity food and are raised in spe­cially des­ig­nated roy­al cells. As a res­ult, only just enough queens are reared to allow one to occa­sion­ally head a new daugh­ter swarm. In hon­ey­bees, this leads to only 1 in 10,000 female lar­vae being reared as a queen.

An entirely dif­fer­ent pat­tern is seen in roughly 70 sting­less bee spe­cies of the genus Meli­pona, nat­ive to South Amer­ica. Here, queens and work­ers, though mor­pho­lo­gic­ally dis­tinct, are sim­il­ar in size, and are reared in identic­ally-sized closed cells. This allows lar­vae the autonomy to determ­ine their own caste. How­ever, as each female is genet­ic­ally most related to its own off­spring, evol­u­tion­ary the­ory pre­dicts that females should bene­fit from stra­tegic­ally bias­ing their devel­op­ment towards the queen path­way. Indeed, the pro­duc­tion of queens in these spe­cies far exceeds the needs of the colony, with approx­im­ately 10% of all females devel­op­ing as queens, in stark con­trast to the pat­tern seen in oth­er bee spe­cies. Most of these excess queens serve no use­ful pur­pose and are quickly executed by work­ers soon after emer­gence, lead­ing to the loss of about 10% of the colony’s resources. This para­dox­ic­al out­come is a clas­sic “tragedy of the com­mons” scen­ario, driv­en by a clash between indi­vidu­al and col­lect­ive interests.

A figure showing the differences and similarities between three bee species. Photos in the top row show the developing bees in their combs, and photos in the bottom row show adult queen and worker bees from each species. The bees on the left are overall larger, with the queen dramatically larger than the worker. In the middle, the queen is larger than the worker. And on the right, the queen and worker bee are about the same size.
Con­trast­ing mech­an­isms of caste determ­in­a­tion mech­an­isms in social bees. While in hon­ey­bees (left) and Tri­gon­ine sting­less bees (middle), queens are much lar­ger than work­ers and caste devel­op­ment is under social, nutri­tion con­trol, caus­ing queens to be pro­duced in line with colony needs, caste determ­in­a­tion in Meli­pona sting­less bees is under con­trol of the indi­vidu­al devel­op­ing lar­vae, as queens and work­ers are there the same size and reared from identic­al cells on the same amount of food (right). Our new mod­el shows that in Meli­pona, females bene­fit from selfishly bias­ing their devel­op­ment towards the queen path­way and that an evol­u­tion­ary equi­lib­ri­um is reached when 10% of all females devel­op as queens, which is found to closely align with empir­ic­al data.

Depic­ted spe­cies and image cred­its: left: Apis mel­lifera queen cell from Wiki­me­dia Com­mons (top) and queen and work­er by Tom Wenseleers (bot­tom), middle: Tet­ra­g­on­is­ca angus­tula queen cell (top) by Cris­ti­ano Menezes ( and Nan­no­tri­gona melano­cera queen and work­er (bot­tom) by João M.F. Camargo, right: Meli­pona bicol­or comb con­tain­ing both queens and work­ers (top) and a Meli­pona beecheii queen and work­er (bot­tom), both by Tom Wenseleers.

In our study, we aimed to use an evol­u­tion­ary mod­el to pin­point why pre­cisely 1 in 10 females devel­op as queens in these bees and wheth­er this rate matches the optim­al strategy from an indi­vidu­al stand­point. This concept, known in eco­nom­ics as a Nash equi­lib­ri­um, is referred to by evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists as an “unbeat­able” or “evol­u­tion­ar­ily stable” strategy. While pri­or attempts to quanti­fy this optim­um could explain the over­pro­duc­tion of queens in Meli­pona, they did not man­age to closely match the empir­ic­al data. To allow for a bet­ter fit, we for­mu­lated a fully dynam­ic mod­el, in which we cal­cu­lated what impact a giv­en level of queen over­pro­duc­tion would have on colony growth and repro­duc­tion. Sub­sequently, we cal­cu­lated at what level of queen over­pro­duc­tion the indi­vidu­al bene­fit of devel­op­ing as a queen would bal­ance with the indir­ect genet­ic or “inclus­ive fit­ness” cost caused by hav­ing a less pro­duct­ive colony. The res­ult was remark­able: this new mod­el res­ul­ted in a near-exact fit to actu­al empir­ic­al data derived from over 20 spe­cies. Devel­op­ing as a queen with a prob­ab­il­ity of 1 in 10 turned out to be the unbeat­able strategy. Examples where bio­lo­gic­al traits can be pre­dicted with such accur­acy are rare. Pre­vi­ously, the best such examples have come from stud­ies on sex ratios, which explain, for example, why most birds and mam­mals pro­duce off­spring in an equal male to female ratio.

Two photos of Melipona bees: the photo on the left shows rows of developing larvae in comb, with wannabe queens indicated with an asterisk. There are five queens marked. The photo on the right shows a ring of six adult worker bees surrounding a recently hatched queen as they execute her.
Excess queen pro­duc­tion in Meli­pona bees. A piece of uncapped Meli­pona comb shows that a great excess devel­op as wan­nabe queens (*). Most of these queens serve no use­ful pur­pose for the colony, and are swiftly executed by the work­ers soon after they emerge (right).

Depic­ted spe­cies and photo cred­its: left: Meli­pona sub­n­itida, photo by Tom Wenseleers; right: Meli­pona beecheii, photo by Jorge Ramirez Pech.

Our find­ings sug­gest that when costs and bene­fits can be mod­elled in suf­fi­cient detail, social evol­u­tion mod­els can make remark­ably accur­ate pre­dic­tions, explain­ing even the most coun­ter­in­tu­it­ive nat­ur­al phe­nom­ena. We hope our meth­ods will inspire fur­ther research on how the bal­ance between cooper­a­tion and con­flict  is set in oth­er bio­lo­gic­al systems.

The Labor­at­ory of Socioeco­logy and Social Evol­u­tion is loc­ated in the Depart­ment of Bio­logy at the KU Leuven in Bel­gi­um. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters

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