Searching for sexually antagonistic genes: the story behind the paper

A new Com­ment & Opin­ion piece pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters provides a roadmap for ana­lys­ing genet­ic data in the con­text of sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion. Here, lead author Filip Ruzicka explains the motiv­a­tion for and key con­clu­sions of the study.

Sexu­al dimorphism—or dif­fer­ences in female and male traits—represents the most strik­ing instance of adapt­ive dif­fer­en­ti­ation with­in single spe­cies. Famil­i­ar examples of sexu­al dimorph­ism include the ornate tails of pea­cocks, the bright plumage of male birds of para­dise, and the exag­ger­ated eye stalks of stalk-eyed flies. The ulti­mate cause of sexu­al dimorph­ism, as ini­tially put for­ward by Dar­win*, is sex-spe­cif­ic selection**—a broad term that encom­passes sexu­ally ant­ag­on­ist­ic selec­tion (in which the sexes are sub­ject to oppos­ing dir­ec­tions of selec­tion), sex-lim­ited selec­tion (selec­tion occurs in one sex only) and sexu­ally con­cord­ant selec­tion (the dir­ec­tion of selec­tion is aligned between the sexes, though the strength of selec­tion may dif­fer between them). 

Sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion fas­cin­ates evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists for a num­ber of reas­ons. In addi­tion to its rel­ev­ance to sexu­al dimorph­ism, it provides clues to the main­ten­ance of genet­ic vari­ation for fit­ness, aspects of gen­ome evol­u­tion, and even pop­u­la­tion viab­il­ity. For example, genet­ic vari­ants with oppos­ing fit­ness effects in each sex (“sexu­ally ant­ag­on­ist­ic alleles”) can per­sist much longer than alleles that are dele­ter­i­ous or bene­fi­cial for both sexes, and may account for the puzz­lingly high levels of stand­ing genet­ic vari­ation for fit­ness that pop­u­la­tions often har­bour. The loc­al­isa­tion of sex-spe­cif­ic vari­ants on sex chro­mo­somes vs. auto­somes has also been a source of much research interest, and may ini­ti­ate sex chro­mo­some degen­er­a­tion, as observed on Y chro­mo­somes (in mam­mals and fruit flies) and W chro­mo­somes (in but­ter­flies and birds). Sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion can even aid spe­cies per­sist­ence in cases where genet­ic vari­ation is over­whelm­ingly sexu­ally con­cord­ant and selec­tion is stronger on males than females. 

Des­pite strong interest among evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists, we still know remark­ably little about the genet­ic basis of sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion. To some extent, this is under­stand­able. The applic­a­tion of gen­om­ics to adapt­a­tion, includ­ing sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion, is recent and primar­ily spans the last dec­ade or so. Gen­om­ic approaches must also over­come the con­sid­er­able chal­lenge of sep­ar­at­ing sig­nal from noise (i.e., sampling error) and con­trolling for pro­cesses that super­fi­cially resemble selec­tion (e.g., uncon­trolled pop­u­la­tion struc­ture and tech­nic­al arte­facts). Fur­ther­more, study­ing the gen­om­ics of sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion presents some unique dif­fi­culties. For example, excep­tion­ally pro­nounced allele fre­quency dif­fer­ences between indi­vidu­als sampled from dif­fer­ent geo­graph­ic loc­al­it­ies with­in a spe­cies’ range can indic­ate loc­al adapt­a­tion, where­as sexu­al repro­duc­tion con­strains males and females to be part of the same pop­u­la­tion, thereby lim­it­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for allele fre­quency dif­fer­en­ti­ation between the sexes. 

Two factors motiv­ated us to under­take the new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters. First, we were keen to cla­ri­fy the poten­tial for gen­om­ic approaches to detect sig­nals of sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion. Second, our col­leagues in the related fields of loc­al adapt­a­tion and stat­ist­ic­al gen­om­ics have spent dec­ades devel­op­ing meth­ods to more accur­ately identi­fy the genet­ic basis of loc­al adapt­a­tion and quant­it­at­ive trait vari­ation. It there­fore seemed timely to draw insights from these more mature fields and apply them in gen­om­ic stud­ies of sex-spe­cif­ic adaptation. 

In our study, we dis­tin­guish between two basic approaches to identi­fy genes and gen­ome-wide sig­nals asso­ci­ated with sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion: (i) indir­ect approaches, which primar­ily use allele fre­quency dif­fer­ences between the sexes (FST and related met­rics of allele fre­quency dif­fer­en­ti­ation), and (ii) dir­ect approaches, which use asso­ci­ations between alleles and fit­ness measurements. 

Two import­ant con­clu­sions can be drawn from our study (but see the pub­lic­a­tion for more details). First, mod­els show that oppor­tun­it­ies for identi­fy­ing indi­vidu­al can­did­ate loci under sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion using allele fre­quency dif­fer­en­ti­ation between the sexes are severely lim­ited, except for very large data­sets (real­ist­ic­ally, sample sizes of 104 or lar­ger). Nev­er­the­less, re-ana­lyses reveal that poly­gen­ic sig­nals of sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion are detect­able in 2 of 3 pre­vi­ously pub­lished data­sets (i.e., allele fre­quency dif­fer­en­ti­ation between the sexes can­not be accoun­ted for by ran­dom sampling effects alone), even in the absence of indi­vidu­ally sig­ni­fic­ant “hits” (Fig­ure 1). Though pop­u­la­tion struc­ture or oth­er tech­nic­al arte­facts may con­trib­ute to the inflated allele fre­quency dif­fer­ences between sexes in these data­sets, we high­light approaches that min­im­ise this even­tu­al­ity (e.g., case-con­trol GWAS, strin­gent qual­ity-fil­ter­ing, func­tion­al val­id­a­tion of can­did­ate loci).

Fig­ure 1. Poly­gen­ic sig­nals of sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion in gen­om­ic data. In each quantile of the null dis­tri­bu­tion of FST (x axis), we cal­cu­lated the pro­por­tion of loci (top pan­el, sim­u­lated; bot­tom pan­els, empir­ic­al data) that fall into a giv­en quantile of the null dis­tri­bu­tion of FST (y axis) before and after per­muta­tion of sex labels, thus obtain­ing a ratio of observed to per­muted pro­por­tions. In pipefish and flycatch­er data­sets, an excess of observed loci in the tails of the the­or­et­ic­al null dis­tri­bu­tion of FST (right), sug­gest­ing sig­nals of sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion. Fig­ure is from Ruzicka et al. 2020 (Evol­u­tion Letters).

Second, empir­ic­al approaches that identi­fy can­did­ate loci under­ly­ing sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion by test­ing for dir­ect asso­ci­ations between alleles and meas­ure­ments of sex-spe­cif­ic fit­ness are severely under-util­ised. We review the state of the field on this front, includ­ing can­did­ate loci that have (to date) been iden­ti­fied using dir­ect approaches, and high­light a range of empir­ic­al sys­tems and approaches that have par­tic­u­larly strong poten­tial for future research on the genet­ics of sex-spe­cif­ic adapt­a­tion (Fig­ure 2).

Fig­ure 2. Some example sys­tems amen­able to dir­ect approaches for uncov­er­ing sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion (Flor­ida scrub-jays, humans, white cam­pi­on, com­mon fruit fly, cowpea seed beetle).

These sys­tems include ped­i­greed pop­u­la­tions (where fit­ness can be meas­ured accur­ately), Dro­so­phila hem­iclone lines (because fit­ness can be meas­ured across rep­lic­ate out­bred indi­vidu­als), large biobanks (due to their high power to detect caus­al loci), exper­i­ment­al sys­tems amen­able to arti­fi­cial selec­tion and re-sequen­cing (mul­ti­gen­er­a­tion­al responses to sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion increase stat­ist­ic­al power), and cer­tain plant sys­tems (because they are exper­i­ment­ally tract­able for field study and/or exhib­it heightened pop­u­la­tion genet­ic sig­nals of selec­tion by way of enhanced expres­sion or pro­longed life-cycles in hap­loid phase).

We hope our study provides a frame­work for more research into the gen­om­ic basis of sex-spe­cif­ic adaptation. 

Filip Ruzicka is a Research Fel­low in the School of Bio­lo­gic­al Sci­ences, Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity. Coau­thors Tim Con­nal­lon and Ludovic Dutoit also con­trib­uted to this blog. The ori­gin­al art­icle is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters. 

The study was a col­lab­or­a­tion among research­ers based in France, Sweden, Switzer­land, the UK, Aus­tralia and New Zea­l­and. The authors are grate­ful to the European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy for fund­ing the “Spe­cial Top­ics Net­work” work­shop which motiv­ated this work.


*Dar­win used the term “sexu­al selec­tion”, which spe­cific­ally refers to dif­fer­en­tial selec­tion on com­pon­ents of fit­ness related to mat­ing suc­cess. The term sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion refers to selec­tion on any com­pon­ent of fit­ness (e.g. dif­fer­ences in viab­il­ity between the sexes) and is thus some­what more general. 

**In some con­texts, sex-spe­cif­ic selec­tion can refer to sex-lim­ited selec­tion. We instead use it as a syn­onym for “sex dif­fer­ences in selection”.