Uncovering cryptic genetic divergence across environmental gradients

A new study pub­lished in Evol­u­tion Let­ters sug­gests that large blocks of linked genes play a key role in main­tain­ing adapt­a­tion to loc­al con­di­tions des­pite extens­ive con­nectiv­ity across lat­it­udes in an estu­ar­ine fish. Here, Nina Over­gaard Therkild­sen and her co-authors explain how this study high­lights that field obser­va­tions of phen­o­typ­ic sim­il­ar­ity across a spe­cies’ range can decept­ively mask remark­able levels of genet­ic divergence.

Dark­er coat col­or in mice inhab­it­ing patches of dark sub­strate for bet­ter cam­ou­flage, crick­ets that evolve to be silent when con­fron­ted with para­sites attrac­ted by their calls, and stickle­back fish that con­sist­ently lose body armor when col­on­iz­ing fresh­wa­ter envir­on­ments that har­bor com­pletely dif­fer­ent threats than their ances­tral ocean envir­on­ment. These are just a few well-doc­u­mented examples where adapt­a­tion to con­trast­ing loc­al con­di­tions across a spe­cies range is highly con­spicu­ous and can read­ily be observed in the field. In many oth­er cases, such adapt­ive diver­gence can be hid­den from plain sight. The Atlantic sil­ver­side (Men­idia men­idia) rep­res­ents a case in point. 

A small estu­ar­ine for­age fish, the Atlantic sil­ver­side is abund­ant along the entire east coast of North Amer­ica from north­ern Flor­ida to the Gulf of St Lawrence, span­ning one of the steep­est tem­per­at­ure gradi­ents in the world. The con­trast between the sub­trop­ic­al marshes in the south­ern end of the dis­tri­bu­tion range and the chilly tem­per­ate waters inhab­ited in the north res­ults in a nearly threefold dif­fer­ence in the length of the grow­ing sea­son for Atlantic sil­ver­sides across lat­it­udes. We might expect that such vast vari­ation in tem­per­at­ure and sea­son­al­ity should sub­stan­tially affect the growth and life his­tory of any fish (whose body tem­per­at­ure depends on the envir­on­ment). Yet, in the wild, Atlantic sil­ver­sides have a fixed one-year life span and grow to roughly the same size across their entire dis­tri­bu­tion range. Field obser­va­tions thus do not indic­ate not­able spa­tial pat­terns of differentiation. 

Atlantic sil­ver­sides school­ing in their nat­ur­al hab­it­at (photo cred­it: Jakob Snyder)

It was only when Dav­id Con­over, a former Pro­fess­or at Stony Brook Uni­ver­sity and co-author on the new paper, along with his team star­ted rais­ing sil­ver­sides from dif­fer­ent lat­it­udes in the lab under com­mon con­di­tions that the remark­able degree of loc­al adapt­a­tion exhib­ited by this spe­cies became appar­ent. It turned out that to com­pensate for the short grow­ing sea­son, sil­ver­sides inhab­it­ing north­ern hab­it­ats have evolved much faster growth rates, while tradeoffs with pred­at­or avoid­ance have kept growth rates lower in the south. 

Left: Photo illus­trat­ing the dif­fer­ence in growth rates between Atlantic sil­ver­sides with par­ents from New York (top) vs. par­ents from Geor­gia (bot­tom) when raised under com­mon con­di­tions in the lab. All fish are of identic­al age (photo cred­it: Nina Over­gaard Therkild­sen and Maria Akopy­an). Right: Growth rates estim­ated in com­mon garden exper­i­ments on Atlantic sil­ver­sides col­lec­ted from 39 dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions across the lat­it­ud­in­al range (res­ults from Hice et al. 2012. Eco­logy Let­ters 15: 568–575).

As a res­ult, the faster intrins­ic growth capa­city in the north almost exactly coun­ter­acts the envir­on­ment­al effect of colder tem­per­at­ures on growth, so that fish in the wild all get to about the same size. This pat­tern – genet­ic influ­ences on a trait coun­ter­act­ing envir­on­ment­al influ­ences – is called coun­ter­gradi­ent vari­ation and can be very decept­ive. This is because field obser­va­tions give the impres­sion that all fish are the same, but the phen­o­typ­ic sim­il­ar­ity is, in fact, main­tained by a sur­pris­ing degree of func­tion­al genet­ic diver­gence between pop­u­la­tions. Dec­ades of com­mon garden and field stud­ies by Con­over and his team have revealed that in addi­tion to growth rates, a whole suite of oth­er fit­ness-related traits includ­ing mor­pho­logy, physiology, and beha­vi­or show sim­il­ar cryptic coun­ter­gradi­ent genet­ic vari­ation in the Atlantic sil­ver­sides – vari­ation that was invis­ible until revealed with the right approach.

Now, our new study unveils anoth­er level of pre­vi­ously invis­ible diver­gence in this spe­cies, this time dir­ectly in the DNA. Earli­er molecu­lar stud­ies using allo­zomes or mito­chon­dri­al DNA had sug­ges­ted very lim­ited genet­ic dif­fer­en­ti­ation with only weak struc­tur­ing on broad region­al scales. Our scan of nearly 2 mil­lion genet­ic vari­ants con­firmed that the major­ity of the gen­ome shows min­im­al dif­fer­en­ti­ation along the coast­line. Yet, against this back­drop we find massive chro­mo­somal blocks that con­tain hun­dreds of genes for which vir­tu­ally all south­ern fish hold vari­ants that are rarely found in the north­ern part of the range. That is to say, south­ern and north­ern pop­u­la­tions each har­bor blocks of unique genet­ic vari­ants that are not shared, even though sig­nals in the rest of the gen­ome sug­gest that fish fre­quently inter­mix up and down the coast (and this is backed up by micro­chem­istry-based dis­pers­al track­ing). The large genet­ic dif­fer­ences are likely main­tained by nat­ur­al selec­tion against the south­ern blocks of genes in north­ern loc­a­tions and vice versa.

Plots of the level of genet­ic dif­fer­en­ti­ation (FST) for each genet­ic vari­ant (ordered along the gen­ome) in dif­fer­ent pair­wise com­par­is­ons of sampling loc­a­tions. We see that the baseline level of dif­fer­en­ti­ation is highest among the two north­ern­most loc­a­tions (but still rel­at­ively low as evid­ent from the colored slid­ing mean lines) and close to zero across the south­ern stretch of the dis­tri­bu­tion range. Strik­ingly, we see that the min­im­al gen­ome-wide dif­fer­en­ti­ation along the south­ern coast­line is inter­spersed with large blocks of extreme dif­fer­en­ti­ation on mul­tiple chromosomes.

While we don’t yet know the func­tion­al sig­ni­fic­ance of the highly dif­fer­en­ti­ated blocks, they con­tain genes related to traits known to dif­fer across lat­it­udes in Atlantic sil­ver­sides, includ­ing lip­id stor­age, meta­bol­ic rate, and spawn­ing beha­vi­or, fur­ther sup­port­ing their involve­ment in the well-described loc­al adapt­a­tion. Espe­cially intriguing is the tight clus­ter­ing of the highly dif­fer­en­ti­ated genes into large blocks that extend across much of four dif­fer­ent chro­mo­somes but do not seem to recom­bine, indic­at­ing that they may rep­res­ent chro­mo­somal inver­sions. The advant­age of this gen­ome struc­ture may be that off­spring inher­it all the south­ern or all the north­ern vari­ants of these genes in one pack­age – set­ting them up to have the right com­bin­a­tion without mix­ing of south­ern and north­ern adapt­a­tions. In this view, the archi­tec­ture of the gen­ome itself is an adapt­a­tion that pro­motes adaptability.

As we can now screen vari­ation across the entire gen­ome of vir­tu­ally any organ­ism, sim­il­ar inver­sions are being dis­covered in an increas­ing num­ber of spe­cies. Yet, while these inver­sions tend to show elev­ated levels of dif­fer­en­ti­ation com­pared to the rest of the gen­ome, we have only seen a few oth­er examples of near-com­plete fix­a­tion of massive blocks of genes across pop­u­la­tions with min­im­al gen­ome-wide dif­fer­en­ti­ation. The Atlantic sil­ver­side thus rep­res­ents an import­ant oppor­tun­ity for fur­ther explor­a­tion of what role inver­sions and oth­er aspects of gen­om­ic archi­tec­ture play in enabling loc­al adapt­a­tion in the face of high gene flow and how selec­tion can main­tain such extreme levels of gen­om­ic dif­fer­en­ti­ation in a spe­cies that at first glance seemed decept­ively homo­gen­eous across its dis­tri­bu­tion range. 

In com­bin­a­tion, com­mon garden stud­ies and pop­u­la­tion gen­om­ic ana­lys­is have provided an extraordin­ary view into intraspe­cif­ic vari­ation that was invis­ible to us until we used the right tools to explore it. Giv­en that coun­ter­gradi­ent vari­ation is now known to be com­mon in nature, the Atlantic sil­ver­side serves as an import­ant cau­tion­ary tale about assum­ing homo­gen­eity based on field obser­va­tions alone. The under­ly­ing genet­ic vari­ation may be crit­ic­al for con­serving evol­u­tion­ary poten­tial in the face of human impact, as illus­trated when Atlantic sil­ver­sides were sub­jec­ted to strong fish­er­ies pres­sure. In fact, the remark­able adapt­ab­il­ity of this little fish may serve as an import­ant mod­el in adapt­ab­il­ity to future cli­mate change.

Nina Over­gaard Therkild­sen is an Assist­ant Pro­fess­or in the Depart­ment of Nat­ur­al Resources at Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity and con­duc­ted the study in col­lab­or­a­tion with Aryn Wilder who is a Research­er at the San Diego Zoo Insti­tute for Con­ser­va­tion Research, Steve Palumbi who is a Pro­fess­or at Stan­ford University’s Hop­kins Mar­ine Sta­tion and Dav­id Con­over who is an Emer­it­us Pro­fess­or at the Uni­ver­sity of Oregon.

The ori­gin­al study is freely avail­able to read and down­load from Evol­u­tion Letters.